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Proud mum, we do get a bit goofy I must admit

Sam I Am

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So in puppy class tonight SAM was a star.:wub: His recall was spot on, coming as I Called with my back to him, he sat in front facing me, and sat immediately . Sat and lay down on his mat when asked, did the peek a boo game, this is where they face you go around you then between your legs , sit and down. Tunnel...his favourite. The lay down on your side was passable....the 30 second more like 15 seconds.  The instructor said he had matured so much ...mmmm she hasn't seen him at home when he gets a hold of something he isn't supposed to and runs like a crazed hound, not giving up his prize. All in all he is growing into a good Cairn...love my SAM. 

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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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Oh! Sounds so sweet! Good SAM! I know my little girl runs like crazy with her ball or sticks in the yard. I recall watching my little girl, Trinity, did the same all her life when alive. She didn't stop at near 14. I love CAIRNS! :)

At what age did Sam start puppy class? What shots did they require?

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Sam was around 14 weeks old when he went to his first class. In regards to vaccinations it's best to listen to your own vet what is required. We live in a totally different climate, rabies vaccines are not mandatory , and we don't have the diseases that perhaps you might have in your area.

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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