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Our New Addition


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Here is our new baby. She is a four month old little girl who we purchased from the breeder where we obtained our little boy, Max. Max and Trinity both passed away this year (May and Labor Day). I am trying to come up with names for her. She is highly intelligent, loving and energetic.

As a new mom, I am worried about everything. It's been near 14 years since I had a puppy. This little girl had her shots and was given her last dhpp shot (third) yesterday. We have a fenced yard and she has went outside to go potty and played. I am so worried about her getting parvo or other. I'm trying to relax but just panicked every time I see her smell or pick something up.

Any tips are most appreciated. I cannot relax as much as this should be a joyful time. I will try to get a better pic posted soon.

little pup2.JPG

Edited by gd4
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Awww she's very cute. I know what you mean about getting a pup....you almost forget what it's all about. It was 16 years in between our first one and Tewcsby. Oh but they really are so much fun, all the work is worth it. He is 19 months old and is just starting to settle down ( well mostly). We were cautious with him in the beginning, in our fenced yard- lots there for a pup to explore. We tried to socialize him with other friendly dogs we knew, then took him to puppy class. Didn't take him to dog parks and mostly stayed in our neighborhood .

They never really replace your other dog, but they sure help - and nothing could be better than having another cairn in your life.

Edited by Min D
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I agree, Min D. I couldn't imagine living without one. It was a long four weeks at home without our two babies. The new pup definitely adds joy to our lives again.

Best to you and your new baby :)

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Gd4 if you want my on going experience with a Cairn puppy please feel free to follow by blog, Beguiling Sam I Am, on this site.😅

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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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One other quick note to folks:

We have utilized a lawn service for several years, TruGreen. I kept our dogs off the yard after they sprayed for several hours. I took them down the street to the park for them to potty. 

However, our little girl is too small for me to take to the park. Our neighbor just had their yard sprayed. Our pup is doing good at being housebroken. I am scared to let her out. The chemicals even bother me after they are sprayed. Any ideas on how to handle this?

Our yard is fenced and I could take her out briefly on the other side of the house to do her business and come in . This seems to be the only alternative that I can come up with.

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We will pick a name for our girl today. No more delay! We had our first vet visit last night. She was such an incredibly good girl. I know she had to go potty but she waited until we got home (it seems a LONG time later). She is so smart and sweet.

The vet did not challenge me on the replacement of parvo shot. She stated that shot that she received Saturday by breeder was likely fine. However, she stated for peace of mind, she would do again for protection in a few weeks. I don't think we will do it. It is my understanding this is the last in the series at 18 weeks. She said I could consider a titer. They charge 100.00 but I found what appears to be a reputable place online that tests for 52.00 and they stated they could do a blood draw. I don't know???

Her remaining shots are lepto (boosters), rabies, bordatella and canine influenza. I never gave my dogs the influenza shot before but she mentioned she should have it if we go to a puppy class or board. Thoughts?

The real issue is the vet visits are 65.00! Each time a booster (every two weeks) is administered or other, we must pay for the exam and shot! I'm thinking of going to Petco vaccination in store for special rates. I appreciate opinions, as always.

Here is the girl:





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She is irresistible!

It doesn't seem right to be charged for a booster each time, when your pup is getting a series of shots. It might be appropriate to discuss this with your vet to see if he/she will make an accommodation. Or ask around at other vets or Petco to see what they would do.

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16 hours ago, gd4 said:

They charge 100.00 but I found what appears to be a reputable place online that tests for 52.00 and they stated they could do a blood draw. I don't know?

It is definitely worth it, if you end up there.


16 hours ago, gd4 said:

Her remaining shots are lepto (boosters), rabies, bordatella and canine influenza. I never gave my dogs the influenza shot before but she mentioned she should have it if we go to a puppy class or board. Thoughts?

You should go to dr. Becker's site this are her comments on the flu shot, but she also talks about some of the others you mention- and the titers above:

Story at-a-glance 

  • There are currently two types of CIV in the U.S., and dogs at highest risk are those living in overcrowded conditions such as shelters and kennels
  • Healthy family dogs rarely contract the flu, and when they do, they typically recover quickly without medical intervention
  • Symptoms of CIV include coughing, hacking or gagging, and laryngitis
  • Serious symptoms tend to occur only in very young puppies, geriatric dogs or dogs who are immuno-suppressed, highly stressed or otherwise debilitated
  • Treatment for CIV is primarily supportive, and there are many natural remedies that can provide symptom relief
  • I don’t recommend flu vaccines for dogs. A better approach is to keep your pet’s immune system healthy.
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Wow, I cannot thank you all enough for your kind words and suggestions! I will definitely check out the information provided. I am meeting with a new vet today who is just minutes away from our home. He is reputable with good associations and has 50 YEARS of experience. Plus, the nearby Petco offers all of the remaining shots without a required doc visit. So I have some good resources to investigate. I don't want to give her anything until the last DHPP vaccine has time to adjust. I don't believe in overloading their little immune system.

I named her Trina Joy after my beloved Trinity. And, well, my name is Gina so she is a part of both of us. I love my dogs so much that I consider them just like a new baby.

On another note, we want to have two dogs in our home. I know this sounds crazy but we are going to meet a well-behaved 11 mo. old, neutered male, not sure what his breed is as they stated that he does not shed, almost like human hair, white, green eyes, brown nose? He is 15 lbs and they do not anticipate him to get larger. All shots, including bordetella and neutered. He has been in a foster home with two other family dogs for five weeks and is very loving. We plan to take the puppy to meet him in the office. The woman stated that it is a clean environment and in fact, she would mop the room with bleach again before we arrive for the two pups to play. Thoughts? I am conflicted about two pups so soon. We got Max when Trinity was a year old, but Trina is 18 weeks!

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From what I've read, they say it is best to let the puppy bond with you first 1yr or so, then look at another dog. But I really have no experience.

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Yes, Min D. That is what I have heard, too. Trinity was about a year old when we adopted Max who was slightly younger. I am doing some research and it must be done in an appropriate manner, as I have told my husband. There is the fear that the two dogs will bond too closely and will not want to separate from each other. This is a challenge as they grow older because if one gets ill, the other may not be able to deal with the death. I have seen this in other closely bonded pups. It seems early but we know sadly, how the time goes by.


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