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CH Robinsend A Bit of a Thrill CD RN ME CA
April 19, 2001 - September 18, 2017

We spent the day sitting and holding and stroking our old girl, murmuring our memories into her deaf ears, unashamed of the tears her blind eyes could not see. She was tired, so tired, so we held her tight and said goodnight. She was peaceful before she left and she's peaceful evermore.

Echo meant so much to us. Her names were both in reference to her father Haggis (Thrill of the Chase → A Bit of a Thrill). She was our first and only homebred champion.


4 weeks old.

She had two litters in her lifetime, one a singleton (Stella) and another of three boys. She was a fantastic mother and constantly played and taught her own puppies and any puppies she came into contact with. She played with Dundee when we got him as if she were her own.


Nursing her singleton Stella.

He show career was a struggle. She was very slow to mature and she suffered from my unskilled handling and grooming. But her innate sparkle eventually emerged and she finished one sunny day at Hurricane Ridge. In a post at the time I summarized the process


How To Become A Champion in 10 Easy Steps
by CH Robinsend Bit of A Thrill ME (aka Echo)

  1.  4/2001 - get born
  2.  12/2001 - enter your first show, but don't gait for the bad man
  3.  9/2002 - forget showing, earn your Junior Earthdog title instead
  4.  4/2004 - get pregnant and whelp a singleton girl
  5.  7/2004 - earn your Senior Earthodg title
  6.  11/2004 - try that showing thing again and earn 2 points, but the bad man keeps wrecking your coat, so hide
  7.  10/2005 - whelp a litter of three boys and blow your coat instead; finally stop looking like such a puppy
  8.  7/2006 - earn your Master Earthdog title
  9.  8/2006 - get serious and earn your first major with your new best friend, "Bait Man"
  10. 7/2007 - earn your last point and become a new Champion - hooray

Bonus tip: Along the way earn fourteen Reserve Winner ribbons to stay motivated.


Champion at last.

She was our second master earthdog and the 5th Cairn to earn the title in the US. After the exuberant (and occasionally erratic) hunting style of her father, Echo on a master hunt-up was a blessed relief. She moved like an assassin. She ranged well ahead but could be called back with confidence. Her attention to the task was unwavering. Either Peggy or I could handle her with confidence that she would not run out of control but would be snuffling for scent like a hound. Let slip into the tunnel she worked it fast and worked the rats like a fiend. 

Peggy earned an obedience CD with her. We put a rally novice title on her. In her later years she even added a Coursing Ability title, before age and arthritis led us to retire her from racing. She was once crowned Fastest Cairn Terrier in the Northwest at a club raceday. She earned the CTCA's Versatility Award.

You know Echo as the center dog of the three fuzzy faces on one of the forum header options. Following are a few more random photos I managed to drag off to a folder today during blinks through tears.


Head one way, tail the other. A fairly typical look of inquisitiveness and seriousness.

Hi Res Color Echo.jpg

A face I could melt into.


Please don't whelp your puppies in that hole.


Pretty in an obi for the fancy-dress parade.


Nominee for the Most Tolerant Mother in the World Award. Stella making Echo's head ring. Possibly my most favoritest photo ever.


Echo on her 16th birthday.

Thank you Echo for a lifetime of love. You were the woof and warp, the fabric of our life, the blanket that warms, protects, and comforts us.

Long did you reign. Long may you ring.

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CRCTC: Columbia River Cairn Terrier Club 



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Crying right along with this post. What a wonderful tribute to an amazing gal. Hold all those amazing years with her right in your hearts.

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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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Tears rolling down my face, while looking at and enjoying the beautiful pictures of Echo.The things you said about her , just beautiful.

My heart aches for you, and understanding how tough it is to lose such a precious one. My prayers are with you. 

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what a girl. what a girl. she was so lucky to have had you. so many sympathies to you, stella and your family. it is so hard to lose a comforting presence. 

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A multi talented sweetheart. A tear arises seeing those great pics. Sorrow now after16 years of love and fun and challenges, but nothing can take away the memory of beloved Echo.


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Great celebration of a good life--as it should always be.  We all know the pain and we all know there is absolutely nothing we can do but hold your and Peggy's hand, give you a hug and say "Sure sorry."

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Oh Brad - my heart aches for you and Peggy. I know you face a time when tears will well up suddenly, as memories bring her back again. But I am so glad she was there with you so long, making such memories possible. She was  a  truly great little dog, and you did right by her.

I will hug Oban tonight and tell him a story about his kin out west who won titles and hearts with equal ease.  Dogspeed, Echo.

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So sorry to read this. May you and Peggy always remember ALL the times she made you laugh and cry at bit in the ring.

What a BEAUTIFUL girl, Echo.....to always be remembered......to always be remembered....to always be....to always.....to.....😊

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Oh, Echo, you pretty girl!  So sorry for you and your family, Brad.  These little Cairns are such a part of our family and even within this group, it feels like we're missing a little piece without her.  Peace to you...

Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 
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Brad, Your wonderful life story of Echo brought a smile and tears to me as I read this, thank you for sharing her with us.  I know your hugging Stella and Granger tight today.     

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Thank you for this tribute.  She was quite the gal.  I enjoyed all of her life, through tears.  The photos are wonderful.

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