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I thought I'd be  leaving you guys in peace for a while but I know you love Angus like all the rest of our cairns so here's the first info I have received on his new life.............I was feeling a bit down without my boy but then I had an email from my friend..............

"We are still sorting things out here and Tizzy would like to thank you for providing a new diversion for Billy's rough "play".  Mr. Angus is holding his own and I see Billy will lie down and continue to wrestle from that level offering his four flailing club-like feet to bat away the persistent hairy Cairn. 
Our second night went considerably better than the first night when Angus howled, whined and barked the whole night long. His blanket was folded properly, I adjusted his ventilation, and he seemed ok, but continued to be unhappy.  So last night I just stuffed cotton in my ears, shut my bedroom door and waited for the misery.  Nothing. Everyone slept quietly and woke up this morning calmly and sweetly.
Angus is fitting in nicely and seems to enjoy the freedom just as you said he would.
Tizzie is the jrt, Angus's mentor. She must be about 11 or 12 years old now and no doubt needs a break from puppy love. Billy is a redbone coonhound mix pup about nine or ten months old. He's almost full size, I'm guessing eighteen inches or plus at the withers. He is big, gangly and playful but no problem for a 11 inch cairn terrier to deal with:lol:  I myself have seen Angus lift his lip and boss the big guy when he's overdoing things. There is also a little terrier something there at the moment visiting with a friend from LA. Called Baudry as he was found wandering alone on a street by that name.
I love that I know what's going on with Angus and know that he is in the right place. I feel so much better having had such good support from all of you and the email from my friend.


Edited by Hillscreek
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that's certainly a good report. angus showed the proper amount of loyalty to you but is getting with the program. sounds like you could visit him soon without disrupting his new lifestyle. i know it is a comfort to you to know he is among friends and thriving. 

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That's wonderful news!  Sounds like Angus - like a true Cairn - is adapting to whatever is thrown his way.  This really seems to be a good place for him.

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How wonderful for Angus to be on a farm and perhaps even follow in Dempsey's footsteps and become the farm manager. Sounds like he has lots of new adventures to make his Cairn life exciting. I hope you are doing ok and that you continue to give us updates on Angus and yourself.

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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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Well Terrier lover Angus is not actually on a farm though I daresay he would l like that.  The immediate land round the house is pastures for the two mules and horse or horses. There's an old barn with hay above and horse stalls below. I'm sure he will be joining Tizzie hunting in the barn and along the hedge rows outside.


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Second that!  Angus is in paradise.  Big, big comfort to know he's working towards his degree in Farm Management. :)

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Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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