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Turn, turn, turn!


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As the song and the bible say "there is a season" for all things. This is the season for me to let Angus go to his new home.

When, age 79, I got him as a pup I knew I would have him only for a few years and he would be my last dog. I've trained up many a pup. I thought I would like one last go. This has worked out wonderfully. He has been a joy and challenge to work with. At five years and eight months he is a great cairn terrier - healthy, in the prime of life, relaxed, sociable, gets on well with people and dogs, ready to go anywhere and try anything.

Now that I am in my eighty-fifth year it is becoming difficult for me physically to do the best for him. I started to look around my connections. his breeder, my doggy friends etc. I did not realize he would be so fortunate as to find a home with his BFF. This jack russell and the mules and horse belonging to my friend have been his second home since he was three months old. She asked to take him and I was so happy. She knows Angus very well and he knows how to behave with her mules. Old Tizzie the jrt practically raised Angus teaching him doggy manners when he was a rambunctious teenager.

So though I am sad to be without him I am very, very happy as to where he is gone. And so grateful for the fun and loving I he has given me.

We plan to let him be with her for some time until he is really her dog then I think there will be opportunity to visit with him when I go visit her.

Isn't that wonderful? There IS a silver lining after all. I shed a tear but I smiled as well.

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Oh that's bittersweet Hillscreek.

I'm glad Angus remains within his circle of friends. You did well by him at every turn.

So glad you shared him with us and hope you can continue to do so with the occasional visitation update or report.

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I can't imagine what it took for you to let him go.  I understand - truly I do - but it had to be a very difficult decision.  Glad you found the perfect home for him, complete with friends to play with.

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Hillscreek, you have been a wonderful, important presence on this forum and I hope you will continue to offer your valuable advice and guidance... We would all be poorer without it, but what you've done for Angus is the best of all! Thanks to you, he grew into a wonderful dog, and has been welcomed into a secure, loving home... a reward to you for being the loving, kind-hearted person you are!

Wishing you all the best:hug:

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This post gave me a lump in my throat, although I am happy that Angus is in a familiar and well loved place. Hillscreek, you have been my role model for taking on a new pup at 79. I have often wondered if I will be "too old" for another Cairn...this necessary but bittersweet parting gives me more to ponder. Thanks so much for sharing and I hope you will continue to participate in the forum.

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I'm shedding a tear too. You truly love Angus and he knows it. I hope I would have the courage to do what you have done. I second Sanford's wish that you stay with us and help us. I'm cairnless myself at present and seeing the wonderful dogs here keeps my in touch with this unique breed.

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Oh boy tears here also. How wonderful an owner you are and no doubt will have visitation rights, so Angus will never truly be out of your life. I admire your bravery Hiilcreek at taking on a youngster when you did. It sounds like Angus has  has turned out to be a perfect Cairn companion. Please continue on this site and  report to us how you and Angus are doing. :hug:

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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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God bless you dear sir.  You are of strong heart and a wise mind.  Thank you for sharing - if I was there I would give you a hug. :hug:Angus carries you with him always. 

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Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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Here's what I wrote to my cairn friends on the UK forum. I feel the same here.

How kind you all are. I very much appreciate your words of support.
It certainly is quiet without Angus around but I'm pretty sure he is running around and having fun with Tizzie and the rest. My friend's older jrt named Ruckus died a while ago and I think Angus's job will be to fill an empty spot. Love him though I did and do, I could not have him stay where his life would lose the quality it should have. My pleasure is to send a my good buddy to a place I know he is needed.
Hopefully I will be able to report back at some time and give you an update.

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Hi Hillscreek.

I never thought about that aspect, as a Cairn lover and companion.  I mention their care in my will, but the need to find new homes for them might come sooner than that.  Congrats, Hillscreek, on making it to 85.  I know you made a tough decision, and a loving one.  At close to age 62, I hope I can follow your example of grace.


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Max and Nelly

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Idaho Cairns

Hills, I certainly understand and really appreciate what you have done with your Cairn.  I am 75 now and know exactly what you mean about not being fully able to provide proper care for our Cairns.  Getting up and out of a chair to give them potty breaks is becoming more and more difficult and really long walks impossible.  Fortunately my spouse is somewhat younger and much more spry.
I know the two Cairns I have now, Sammi and Bonnie, are the last I will enjoy--we won't take on another now, that we have discussed.  Sammi, at thirteen, is a comfort because she has, to a certain extent, mirrored my physical conditions--slow to rise,  careful on steps, much less active.  Kinda fun "sharing" old age with each other.  Bonnie, at seven is still all go and we worry what will become of her and her joy when the inevitable happens with Sammi.  Little Bonnie has never spent on moment alone -- we think it will be a hard hard day for her.
In any case, all that aside, I commend you for doing the right thing for the right reasons.  I am sure it was hard to do even with the best of the outcomes realized--familiar people, pets, and locations for your Angus to thrive in.  You did well by your little charge--sleep soundly, regret nothing, and when the time is right, visit often for a scritch and snuggle!

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Wow! What a decision to make. You did the best thing for Angus and the best thing for youself too. You found the best place for Angus. You are wise to let him bond with his new mommy and then to go and visit. He will always be thrilled to see you. I hope you remain with the US and UK forums. I've enjoyed your posts over the years. You are one of the most active members. Hugs to you.

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Crying here too. I can't imagine having to make that decision. I too hope that I would make the right one. You did a great job with Angus, and have been an inspiration to me. I hope you stick around the forum and keep offering your words of wisdom. Hugs from us to you.

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What a loving, though difficult, decision you have made.  I hope you continue to share your wisdom with us and hopefully the antics of our Cairns will entertain.  Angus is a lucky guy!

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Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 
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Oh my. Reading your post was like holding up a mirror. So thanks for being a role model and guide.

I got Oban - now four - when I was 64. Even then I realized that - counting forward - I might be lucky enough to have yet another cairn after him. And I also realize I might not get to stay around, one way or another, for that dog's entire life.

The worry always is - will I do right for my dogs? And you have shown it can be possible. ..thank you for that. Though I can only imagine what a difficult - if right - decision it was to move Angus to a new home.

Please stay "on board" here and continue to share your wisdom. Hugs...

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You are an example of grace.  Grace for your sweet Angus and for yourself.  Thank you for sharing Angus with us, and giving him a wonderful future.  You have been an invaluable Cairn friend through the years.  


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Yes please stay with us,you give us so much help and information.Reading this brought tears.Your love and concern for Angus shines through.I only hope I can be as unselfish.Bless you for your love and care for. Angus

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  • 3 weeks later...

I can't believe that I totally missed this post and now that I have read it, tears are falling down my face.  What an extraordinary lady you are Hillscreek, I never knew that you took on Angus as a pup at the age of 79, you are such an inspiration.  Having to give up Tess 2 years ago was heartbreaking for me, but knowing that she went to a family that loved her and she loved back gave me a lot of peace, as you seem to have with the family that has Angus.  

I have learned a lot from you in the 4 years that I have been on this forum and I hope that you will continue to visit and share your knowledge and love of the breed with us.  God bless.

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  • 3 months later...


Went to a birthday party for Angus. He will be six tomorrow. It is four months since he went to live with the friends he has known since he was a wee pup. How wonderful he looks! He has built muscle and filled out. I greeted him casually. He came over to visit me. He remembered me and greeted me with wagging tail and kisses.

I could see he was my friend's dog. When she called he went to her when she asked him to do something he did it. He went about his business tussling with his buddy the coonhound/australian shepherd youngster now 13 months and 54lbs. I'd say Angus has put on some weight with all that muscle development so he is probably 17+ lbs now but well able to boss the big guy. That leaves peace and quiet for Tizzie the jrt who taught him doggy manners when he was a brash youngster. She  now going on 13 and likes to sit on her chair and watch the young ones. She and Angus still get on well together.

I miss him of course but I am so happy he is in the right place. A place where he can run and hunt and chase in field and barn and have doggy friends and be a free cairn terrier. He lives in a home where he is greatly loved and where he is a well mannered, fun and loving companion.

What more could I ask for my sparkly little friend who gave so much joy to me and now can give the same to others?




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What a great outcome. I am so happy for Angus, but can't help but feel a bit sad for you.😔

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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i am so glad you are still in angus' life, and it sounds like he too. you describe it a bit the way parents describe a child who has grown up and got married. not still their kid, but with a new relationship, and all the past still theirs. you have done a brave and very generous thing. 

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Yes pk that's how I feel - still my kid but grown and gone on to new relationships!

Edited by Hillscreek
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Thank you for the beautiful update. I am very happy for Angus, but sad for you. I am sure it hasn't been easy for you.

You did an awesome job with him. I am so glad you can see him.  :hug:

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