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Good for Dempsy. He may have some aches and pains but that doesn't stop him from being the farm manager. Those naughty cows trying to sneak out.

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Dempsy is doing what he loves.  Bless the little guy for telling you about the open gate.  :)

The pic of Elsie and the calf is adorable.  

Posted (edited)

Once a farm manager, always a farm manager! 

Lori in the cold winter months when you have a bit more time..ha ha, we need a book written by you! So many stories!

Edited by Terrier lover
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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie



Yay Demps. He knows what's what. Elsie does such a great job with the calves.

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Good for Demps!!! Pepper has one bark in particular that means "Come right now and follow me! We have trouble!"  It is so different from the squirrel and heron bark!

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Pepper's Mom


I agree Lori , we need a book about the  best Farm Manager around!  Hope your feeling better Dempsy

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I am in love!!!!


Cairns really do make great farm managers.  We put Murphy (far away, but close enough) to our chicks as they are starting to grow and get to go outside on the ground.  He keeps watch of the sky and barks every time anything zooms across the sky.  Hawks, airplanes and leaves will never get our chicks again!

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Idaho Cairns

Ahem!  AHEM!   "Farm manager"?   "Farm manager"?   That's not a description for a noble Cairn, not at all, Demps deserves a grander title for this action--"GATEKEEPER"!  writ large.  The "keeper of the gate", the "watch on the bovine", the "guardian", the "sentinel", and perhaps, depending on Demp's attitude at the moment, the "concierge"!   Let's call it what it is so our hosannas are accurate.  Any Cairn can "manage" but keeping the gate is critical to our fenceded lives!

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Dempsy you are doing a great job. Keep up the good work.

It's funny how good our Cairns are at this. Most of them any way. Kelly is a lot like that. My husband left the gate to our yard slightly opened (it usually closes itself but got hung on a twig) and he didn't know it. That is until Kelly kept barking at it. Prissy would have snuck out, so Kelly kept that from happening. She could have went out it herself. I have often wondered why she didn't. 

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