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What does your cairn sleep with?


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Hi All,

I was just wondering what what your lil' pups sleep with - security blanket, stuffed toys, food, bones, etc.? My pup sleeps with 4 stuffed toys (which are his "paw rests") and a towel on his mat in his crate. With the cold winter he is sleeping with his fake fur throw as well. Is this safe for his to sleep with so much stuff??

Happy holidays. :)

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Rebel sleeps with a pillow beside him in a papasan chair. It's his chair!


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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Wes sleeps on a bathmat with 2 towels and a stuffed toy- usually "mr. camel."

"Is it safe to sleep with so much stuff?" - Well, I guess it depends on how big his sleeping area is. Wes tried to drag a huge stuffed animal into his crate. And he actually got it all the way in.

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Abe Usually sleeps with me . Does that count? If I am not here he will pile up with whoever will let him when bed time comes. BTW Mom OF abe Got a new Camera for Christmas So we may see a flood of pictures in the near future.


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Winnie takes over the sofa in the den and sleeps on the fleece blanket. Madison sleeps in her crate with a stuffed fleece dog bed and Elliott sleeps in his crate on a pillow with a small fleece dog bed on the top.

None have toys unless I crate them for an hour or two during the day.

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Thanks. Sounds like it would be best if I took the stuffed toys out of my pup's crate then, eh?

Now I feel guilty for causing possible danger by having his toys in there - heck I have even put a kong with peanut butter in there when I had to go out for a few hours. :(

One quick question - at what age do people stop crating their pups? Mine sleeps in his crate, with the door closed, and he is 14 months. Should I start keeping the door unlocked as a way to start moving him out of the crate?? Is it not a good idea for them to sleep in their crate past a certain age?

(sorry if the above question is silly, but as a long distance mom, I feel doubly unsure about things) :shy:

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Cooper is just over 1 1/2 years and when I am at work, or at night when they are sleeping, both him and Yoda (who is seven months old) are in their crate. Shortly before we got Yoda, I had started leaving Cooper out, babygated in the kitchen while I was at work, but once the puppy came, I figured it wasn't fair to have the one running around while the other watched him. Just in the past month, I have started leaving them both babygated if I go out for a bit....the longest was last week and they were alone for five hours w/lots of toys and we found nothing amiss, no accidents or anything!


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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Logan sleeps with us, under his blankie. As far as leaving him out. He just turned one yesterday and he has been out of the crate for quite some time. I believe it was in July that we stopped using it on a consistant basis. My feeling is that if they are crated, they will learn crate behavior. If they are not crated, it is a little more work until they figure out that they have to work within the "norms" of society. We have had only one issue and that was teh very first day that we left him out. Now, I do take things up from the floor that are just too tempting for him...he is still just a little guy! I would rather teach him and trust him out of the crate. Every night when I get home, he is snoozing on the back of the couch like a lion. Just too cute to miss.

I guess it is really up to your personality and tolerance to what may happen and the puppy's personality.

Good luck with whichever you choose to stay with.

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Scully sleeps with a flannel sheet in the winter and a regular sheet for the cooler times. She loves to scrunch it all up. She's never taken anything into the crate with her at bedtime. She prefers leaving them lying around for mom to step on. LOL!

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Even tho Kiara and Abbey each have their own bed, they sleep in one together and usually w/ a stuffed toy squeezed in or under the pillow. Hannah sleeps w/ dh and I or her crate which has a stuffed moose in it.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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I love that picture of Scully! Yoda sleeps in bed with us, and you dont dare move him, if you want to rollover-just forget it. We call him Mister Growley-he does not like to be disturbed when he is snuggled in. On the bright side, he is so snuggly, he loves to sleep late, he's staying with my mom while we're on vacation and she loves it because he doesnt wake her up early to go outside like her dog does.

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Scout and Finch both sleep with us. Finch just started sleeping in our bed about a month ago. While we are at work, Finch sleeps in her crate with just a few soft towels.

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Piper sleeps with me and my husband. ;) But she also likes to have her bone or one of my oldest son's socks nearby. ;)

Kim,mama to furbaby, Piper 4/13/2003

"Things that upset a terrier may pass virtually unnoticed by a Great Dane." ~ Smiley Blanton

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