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Fail at being a terrier


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Nikki just failed at being a terrier. He was checking his daily gossip post (i.e. my mail box) and something bolted out from underneath him.  Literally. It was right underneath his stomach! I think a baby garter snake had recently crossed the street and had not made it to the thick grass yet. I'm more surprised that Nikki was either totally oblivious or totally did not care that he had stepped over a snake. He did not lift his head or acknowledge the snake at all.  The snake on the othe hand, zipped around to the other side of the mailbox and stopped to stare at us.  It stayed put until we started heading back to the driveway, and then the snake dove into the grass and managed to disappear in it.  In short brown hibernating grass... Okay then. I'm happy to be back inside. XD I don't want to know what else is hiding right under my nose. 

Edited by Lupinegirl
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