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Cairn presents


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How about a photo parade of our cairns opening their Christmas gifts this weekend?

Now if I can only post my pic, which is always a challenge for me! :shy:

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And I'll try my hardest to focus my camera correctly...sometimes I can only get one dog, the tail of the other and maybe the ears of the third. :D

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That's such a great idea! :thumbsup:

I'm still trying to spend some time scanning Skeeter's first pictures to post some of them here so you can all see my little precious but as soon as I manage to learn how to post pics I'll also post one of Skeeter opening his presents.

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Well I'm asking for a new camera NEXT Christmas - would you believe it won't work today? Sheesh!

Scully got a Hide-A-Squirrel from the German Shepherd next door and she absolutely loves it. She got boxes of treats and bones from Mom and Dad, she attacked her stocking because she could tell it had her favorite mini chew bones in it. She got balls and toys, and an octopus that makes the sound of an ocean when you push the button. Of course, her favorite thing was running amuck through the sea of paper and bows!

I would have love to have shown them to you, but....

Enjoy your day everyone!

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Luckily they each found something different to play with :P


Whoops.....I think she's stuck (ah.....makes for a quiet day then)


Didn't know whether to read the "paper" or go for the bee!


Now that's a good little Elliott :thumbsup:

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ROTFLMAO! Elliott looks like "I've got MY stuff and I'm chilling out!" Scully's been sticking her head in the "trunk" of the Hide-A-Squirrel and shaking it all around. She already seems to have one favorite squirrel out of the three.

Darn camera!!!!

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Well, we already lost a bee to Madison the terror. Guess I'm gonna be sewing tonite. Those stuffed toys are a riot. My older Winnie loves the square with the balls in it...I cube? She took one ball out and has been licking it all morning. God Bless the elderly! :halo:

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I love Elliott's new puppy-shaped bed - may I please ask where you found that? I have been looking for something like that for my pup for ages.

Thank you. :)

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Well, most of the pictures are blurry and unusable - as usual! These are the best of a bad lot...

Barley got to spend some quality time with us as the stockings are opened, while the rest of the crew are jailed in the kitchen, waiting impatiently.


Echo shows Stella how the treat-dispensing molecule works.


Stella has a much-needed rest. The hide-a-squirrel is resting too.


Merry Christmas, all.

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Oh Brad....your "children" are adorable. And the pics don't seem blury to me at all (although I did have a few glasses of bubbly) :P

Milopup, I bought that dog rug at Walmart. They also had one that was a frog......too cute. It's wonderful in front of the fireplace. The puppy seems to take over the entire bed but I mangage to squeeze in from time to time.

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Thanks for letting me know about that pup rug. Unfortunately they don't have it online, which is how I can buy it, but it is tooo cuuuutee. Your pups really did well with prezzies this year. :)

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Oh what cute dogs. These pics make me want my puppy to hurry and grow up. She is "dog" tired tonight. I got some pics but don't have a digital camera (I got a new camera today, but not a digital) Soon as I get them developed I'll post. I hope everyone keeps posting pics, I can't get enough of them!

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Well, I don't have any pictures of my boys getting into their presents, but they sure had a good time! The first picture is Tucker and Scruffy looking purty on my loveseat after the unwrapping. Next we have Scruffy with snowflakes (yes, it snowed in Louisiana!!) :w00t: on his head and then we have the three of them showing their individual techniques on how to get treats! :party: Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!





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Grilly wishes everyone a happy holiday season!

Now, let me at those presents!!


Oh...yeah! Mommy got a new digital camera from Santa!

What did I get????


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The girls had a great Christmas! They opened their presents and had a great time!






I bought the Kewpie doll for my DD, but once Scout heard the noise she did't care about her presents..she just wanted the doll!





I enjoyed all the Christmas pictures of everyone! keep them coming!

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I had to add Finch's favorite toy. I just took this picture and she is now having a good time "talking" to the ball.....too funny!


The ball bounces all around the room!


She enjoys watching it bounce around and will try to catch it...it's really funny when she has it in her mouth..her whole head shakes! LOL!

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And what did Bach get for Christmas? Maybe a contented Cairn who's not likely to bother him for a few days? :)

I find myself picking up "hide-a-bee" parts, "hide-a-bird" beaks, ribbon remnants and now it's stuffing from the I cube, Tis the season..... :whistle:

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