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Hello from my log cabin in N.C.


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As some of you know, my husband (dh), daughter (dd), and I rented a log cabin for Christmas and brought our 3 cairns w/ us (along w/ dh's cockatoo). Kiara, Abbey, and Hannah did great on the 8+ hr ride here. We only had to stop once to let them have a "potty" break. We knew there would be snow flurries but didn't expect the accumulation like we started to get. I had checked ahead to make sure the cabin would be easy access for our van and was assured it would be. Well, were we ever shocked to see the snow coming down so hard. As we kept climbing the gravel road which was now covered w/ snow, we started getting really nervous. We were a quarter of a mile from our cabin when we found ourselves stuck. Fortunately, the cabin owners also lived further up the road and were able to come to our rescue. I'm not sure what my cairn girls thought as their crates were placed in the back of a pick up truck for the ride to the cabin. After two loads of our stuff from the pick up truck, we were safely snowed in for the night and the cairns were starving and so happy to eat. I'm glad I brought the wee-wee pads because Abbey and Hannah were not going outside in the snow! Kiara had no problem w/ the snow and I now see that I wasted money buying her a sweater. Kiara must have gotten a scent of mice or something and preferred the outdoors. It really bothers me that Kiara would rather be in her hunting mode outside than the warmth of the cabin. Besides her harness, we secure her w/ a choker for fear of losing her. I'm afraid if she ever got away that we'd never see her again. She will beg to go out and once we take her out, all she wants to do is hunt. Abbey and Hannah are so different. Hannah did get out the door once and just danced around in the snow and came right back to us. We now aren't taking any chances and have baby gates up to keep the carins away from the door, especially Kiara. My dh and Abbey have formed a new bond as she loves nothing more than being by him on the couch.

We bought a live Christmas tree for the cabin. It is small but cute. Hannah loves chewing the branches and Abbey keeps drinking water from the tree stand. We strung popcorn on it but had to stop midway so that they don't try to eat it. They have scattered their presents several times while running through the cabin. My dd and I decorated each of them their own stocking and even painted their names on them. Kiara and Abbey sleep up in the loft w/ my dd while Hannah sleeps w/ dh and I. Everytime my dh brings in wood for the fireplace, one of them tries to bite a small piece off.

All in all, would I do this again? YES! We are really enjoying this family time. I honestly don't know how one can write a book on cairns. My 3 are so different yet I love them all so very much. It's amazing how I have learned each of their different ways of communicating w/ me and knowing what they want.

Would love to read all the posts I've missed, but I'll do that next week when we get home. I'm using my dh's laptop and don't like it as much as my computer at home. Sorry this got so long, just had to say hello to all of my fellow cairn owners and wish you all the best during the holidays.

Merry Christmas! :santa2:


<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Wow. It sounds like a terrific time. Have a blast. And come spring, get Kiara to an earthdog trial. Natural hunters can BE a trial, but how wonderful to have a Cairn with the instincts it was bred for! Have a hunkered-down, happy holiday.

And a toast to you and your dh, too. Gotta respect someone who can travel with a crew of Cairns AND bring a bird along for the adventure!

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And a toast to you and your dh, too. Gotta respect someone who can travel with a crew of Cairns AND bring a bird along for the adventure!

How about a toast for being the only male in the bunch with five females?! :D (Is the bird female, too??) :huh:

It sounds like a perfect Christmas!


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Beth, from my family to yours, we wish you a wonderful Christmas and a terrific time together. It sounds like a Christmas postcard with the snow!

Be safe and have a great time.

Joanne, Rick and Scully

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What a wonderful Christmas image! I think I would like our family to rent a cabin and spend some quality time together next year. Last night we had a record snowfall, I had to stay at work until 2 am handling all the calls for help from stranded motorist. My poor husband is a police officer and got stuck in his patrol car in a snow drift and didnt get home until 6 am when the National Guard came and got him in a HumV(he was supposed to get off work at 10pm) I was so worried about him, but he had his cell phone and a bag of dorritos to munch on. Anyway we're all home safe now with our puppies and looking forward to Summer!

Merry Christmas Everyone!

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Oh what fun - a cabin. Is it in the woods? We have a small cabin in the woods that we were going to go over Christmas but we are snowed in in Columbus, Ohio. Boy, what a snow and ice storm we have had. Mila, my puppy has had a hard time going out but the ice on the 12" of snow we have has kept her on top of things.

Merry Christmas everyone and let me tell you that I am 51 years old and my Cairn puppy is the best Christmas present I have ever had. She is entertaining, sweet and getting a personality to die for!

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Sounds like you and your family are having a wonderful time! I know you were looking forward to this trip and I'm happy that it is going well..hope you don't get much more snow! Merry Christmas!

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