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Happy Thanksgiving

Malcolm's Dad

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Happy Thanksgiving to all. With all the puppies joining the forum I have a feeling we will hear about Turkeys being dragged away across the carpet into a secret Cairn hiding spot. Keep your eye on the table when there is food on it. Malcolm has a habit of jumping on my chair and checking the table for a plate. If there is a plate he will take the food and hide. So keep your eyes on the pups. They will use any opportunity to snatch a meal.

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Happy Thanksgiving to you too.  There is plenty to be thankful for here - adorable new pups, rambunctious teenagers, and wise mature Cairns who have become the best companions anyone could ask for.  I'm sure they will all get their fair share of the turkey.:)

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Angus is ready! We're going out to friends and family and visiting doggies. All the doggies know the scoop - play outside - keep checking inside. Then - finally, when all are seated, join them, say a little prayer with them.Maybe adifferent kind of prayer:) Then politely walk round the table or sit under it and wait. The goodies will come!

Happy Thanksgiving!

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Happy Thanksgiving to all my Cairn Forum friends down south. We celebrated Turkey day October 10. Have a Drum stick and stuffing for me!:chat:

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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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I made peanut butter pie a few minutes ago. I was going to give the girls a little dollop. As I was dropping Kelly's dollop in her bowl she stuck her face in the way. lol  right now she is licking her paw, then wiping her face, then repeat, add a big smile and you have it.

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Sassy says Happy Turkey day to all and wants to remind everyone to not pay any attention to the things that doggies are not allowed to have.

Seriously, no turkey skin, no raisins or grapes, no onions, no garlic, no chocolate, etc.

Everyone please have a safe holiday.

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Sassy Jan 22, 2005



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Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! We are celebrating on Saturday since today is a regular ol' workday for us in the UK. Lola (and the rest of us) will have to wait two extra days for our turkey!  Have a great day, all! :)


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Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow Americans and their Cairns and other furry friends!

Unfortunately my sister has enforced a "no dogs allowed" (even her own!) rule this Thanksgiving so Addie won't be taking part. I plan on sneaking her and my four-legged niece and nephew some Turkey and sneaking away from the festivities a little early. 

This year I am especially thankful to have a healed and healthy pup and an incredible support system on Cairn Talk who helped us through a difficult year. 





Edited by _whits_
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"as far as i am concerned cairns are the original spirit from which all terriers spring, and all terriers are cairns very deep down inside." pkcrossley

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The Thanksgiving episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine had a mini cameo by a Cairn Terrier! It's a comedy about rag tag ridiculous NY cops. The precinct captain  (who is very straight-laced and proper and obsessed with classical music and very deadpan) was watching a dog show and a lovely dark brindle trotted by. The dog show "announcer" said "the Cairn Terrier is intelligent and inquisitive with a bold personality" and then the captain said "bold personality. we know what that's code for: she's a bi***." The whole dog show bit is hilarious. The show is a fun fast-paced half hour comedy. 

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"as far as i am concerned cairns are the original spirit from which all terriers spring, and all terriers are cairns very deep down inside." pkcrossley

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Dogs are happy to have everyone home and food making regular appearances. ?  Those eight holes in my shirt are from being stared at by laser eyes. 

Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate it today. I'm thankful for this Cairnish refuge from workaday life (along with quite a number of other things, too :)

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Happy and blessed Thanksgiving day all!  I am thankful for the memories or our precious little one who are no longer with us, and grateful to have been blessed with a new little one to love.  I am also thankful for this forum for all of the great advice, and support!  Makes being a Cairn parent a little easier 

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A little Thanksgiving advice from Loki & Zeus for all the new pups - camp out under the table by the the youngest and oldest guests, they are the ones most likely to drop, accidentally of course, things for you to eat.

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Who rescued whom?

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Happy thanksgiving to all my cairntalk buddies - and their people.

I am grateful to have had four wonderful cairns - each different in his or her own way - over the last 32 years.

The current cairn Oban and I - now fully sated - are heading to the mancave to sleep off the meal in front of the TV.

Hope your holiday was special.

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I successfully snuck some turkey up to my sister's dogs and spent some time cuddling them as a lovely respite from a Thanksgiving with 40+ people. Toby the Shih Tzu rewarded me with some sweet kisses on the cheek, which was an unexpected delight from a dog that does not kiss. Bailey the beagle mix crawled all over and curled up next to me. 

I returned home to an irate Addie who became even more alarmed and appalled when she smelled her best friend Toby on me. Her protests were silenced with a dinner of turkey leftovers.

All in all, a successful day.  

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"as far as i am concerned cairns are the original spirit from which all terriers spring, and all terriers are cairns very deep down inside." pkcrossley

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Thanks for your advice Loki and Zeus - some pretty good stuff came, my way. Was hungry after running the mountain with my lab buddy. The rat terriers friends didn't show so under the table was all for me! Angus

Smaller gathering this year but plenty of love, fun and food for all. So grateful for this in a tumultuous year.

Thankful for this friendly forum. So helpful and supportive while Angus was going through those  "growing up" years!


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Nikki celebrated his twelth birthday with an unhappy tummy ahd a growly houseguest who tried to dominate him and stole his bed several tumes. Poor Nikkers. We did not even have turkey for him to steal. We just got a pound of barbecue takeout to heat up for lunch sunce there was only four mouths to feed ahd none of us like turkey enough to justify buying one. Lol. I made a cranberry apple casserole abd watched some deer nap in my woods while I heated veggies and barbecue on the stove. Then after we all stuffed oursekves we watched the dog show. We ended up turning off the parade after getting a glimpse of the Cairn balloon and took a family-wide siesta.  XD  Nikki thankfulky started feeling well enough later that he stole Shadow's toy and paraded it around the living rooma few times. I'm grateful to have my spunky little guy back, aling with many other blessings I am grateful for.

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Gracious. I must have been pretty tired when I typed all of that up. There are so many typos in my previous response, it's embarrassing. Hehe. And Nikki is paying me back for making him eat rice on Thanksgiving by dealing stink bomb after stink bomb today.  Fun... xD 

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Late to the thread but happy Thanksgiving to all our CairnTalk friends!  Its been a busy weekend so Kirby and Phinney were slow moving and cuddly this morning!



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Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 
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That looks like turkey belly!:P


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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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2 hours ago, Terrier lover said:

That looks like turkey belly!:P


Looks a lot like Buffy and Ziggy on Thursday evening.  Bet a lot of Cairns over-turkeyed this weekend.:P

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