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Hey, Oliver got a new home!


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Here I'm after the first day at my new home. It was a long and busy day running all over the place. I even got to see the birds feeding on their deck. I think I'm going to like my new owners! :D



My owners tell me I getting my own website too!

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Oh my, what a sweet heart! How hold is he? I hope your puppy gives you as much as enjoyment as ours has and we haven't even had her 2 weeks yet. These dogs are a joy.

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Par-tay on Oliver. Oh wait, from your picture it looks like you're kinda tuckered out from partying with your new family. I can tell they love you to pieces!!

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Welcome home Oliver!!!!!!!

I know you are so thrilled with him. He's beautiful!!!!!!!!!!

There's nothin' in this world better than puppy breath!!!
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Guest posting as: Darcys mom

Never mind Indiana, just UPS him to Alabama and I'll take over from there. He is so precious and what a great Christmas you will have. Cairns are like no other dogs. Can you tell I'm partial? Give him a hug from everyone. Also, keep those pics coming.

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