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Not our usual brilliant Fall

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Well it may be snowing up there in Alberta but here in PA we have a drought. Not much color in our leaves. They are just drying up and falling off. Launching boats forbidden - too many roots, rocks and other hazards. Even the beavers' entrance to their lodge is above the water.

                                                                                                       Angus takes a look.

Beaver lodge entrance.JPGWhat!.JPG

Beavers' front door (the dark patch in the logs just above the water) is usually under water. They swim into the lodge and climb out of the water inside - not now

No launching boats.JPG

Hardly any color in the leaves. No launching of boats indicated by the yellow tape. Great bare stretches of muddy land.

The lowest I have ever seen the lake in the thirty plus years I have lived in the area.


All these strange differences  in climate are so very worrying. Drought in one part of the country, the other floods, hurricanes . I don't remember all of this when I was younger! Although drought Hillcreek, you certainly live in a pretty area. Angus is waiting to try out fishing?  Is he channeling Packy?:wub:

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Adventures with Sam &Rosie



It is beautiful here for sure whatever the weather. Channeling Packy? Angus is very, very careful not to get even one paw wet. As for the fish. When they jump out of the water he jumps back - does NOT want to get splashed.

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