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Ivy aged 19 mths


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On the 26th September Ivy and I went to the first Cairntastic Day arranged by the Cairn Terrier Rescue Fund near Leicester UK.  I had arranged for my nephew who is a professional photographer to take photos there and so this is the one he took of Ivy.

There was lots of stalls there selling stuff to raise funds and events.  Must have been at least 60 Cairns plus other breeds there.  Dos events were inside but there was a chance to try agility outside.  I was helping occasionally on the Tombola Stall so did not get outside much.

We entered into some of the events - and Ivy got fourth in Prettiest Bitch [there was some gorgeous Cairns there!] and third in Best Pedigree over 12 mths.  It was a really well organised and enjoyable day out.  It is being held again next year.


29456094104_53444262bf.jpgIvy-8541-Edit by Josephine Dunster, on Flickr

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What a lovely photo of Ivy!  We all know she should have come in 1st for Prettiest Bitch. (I've won that title myself. Oh, wait...without the 'prettiest' in front. :D:D )  Sounds like you all had a great day! :)

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They say a picture is worth a thousand words. I believe this one is worth way over a thousand words. Beautiful! Your nephew did an outstanding job.

I'm glad you had a good time.

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My goodness, Ivy is such a gorgeous girl. I love her coloring. Thanks for sharing that picture!

How lovely that there was Cairntastic Day and that it went so well there will be another one. I think the American and Canadian Cairns need to start planning a vacation! 

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"as far as i am concerned cairns are the original spirit from which all terriers spring, and all terriers are cairns very deep down inside." pkcrossley

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