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Tewcsby update

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Tewcsby's picture will be plastered on the crates of every girl Cairn on the forum.:D  He's positively gorgeous!

I laughed at your comment that he's "mostly fairly well behaved".  That's an apt description for most of our Cairns.:)

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Good thing he is so cute and adorable...one can forgive him for being occasionally naughty.:P

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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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"as far as i am concerned cairns are the original spirit from which all terriers spring, and all terriers are cairns very deep down inside." pkcrossley

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22 hours ago, _whits_ said:


If I could afford it, I'd have half a dozen:wub:... and then I'd probably lose my mind!:o

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3 hours ago, sanford said:

If I could afford it, I'd have half a dozen:wub:... and then I'd probably lose my mind!:o

Let's be honest, the 1 I have is more than capable of driving me mad. But it's a beautiful madness. 

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"as far as i am concerned cairns are the original spirit from which all terriers spring, and all terriers are cairns very deep down inside." pkcrossley

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I like your comment about "walking"...ha ha!!! After 5 years and trying EVERY harness, collar, etc. made on earth Pepper is still a puller!!! She is on the lookout for squirrels around every bend in the road.  We have settled on the Freedom No-Pull harness, but she still pulls...ugh.  I love your puppy!!!

Pepper's Mom

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  • 8 months later...

When you say take him on our bike, do you mean in a basket or something or running alongside?  I want to take my girl biking but haven't seen anything to carry her with.  BTW, she looks like a twin of your Tewcsby!

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This is us on the bike, last fall - he would have been 7 months or so. The dog seat  is between me and the handlebars and there is a harness around him. It is called "the buddy rider". It is quite similar to a baby type I've seen. I really like it because he is right there. He looks like a little mascot, people usually think he's pretty cute and chuckle when they see us on the bike. I had Tewcsby on it in April he still fits, he was 13 months old.


This is Tewcsby recently looking out the rear window of our travel trailer that we stay in for 4 months in Florida - he loves it. He is a great camper.

He is a great little dog - he doesn't bark, not at other dogs or people- so that's great in the campground, people are impressed....we continue to work on the walking and not pulling - I chuckled at my earlier comments, we seem to be at the same place, well maybe a bit better -he has good days and bad days still.

JOJO as far as looking like your cairn I thought the same thing , they could certainly be brother and sister.

As for the handsome hunk who might have the eye of the females, well we call him the Horney teenager, and He doesn't seem to impress most of the girls.

Tewcsby's mom.

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So so sweet! My DH motorbike club has a member that is a retired veterinarian that had a special little contained seat that his Schnauzer poked his head out of. Complete with a leather cap and protective goggles. :D

I am so envious that from Halifax, Florida is such a short hop. Great way to get away from Canadian winters! 

Edited by Terrier lover

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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maybe in person he doesn't impress the girls as the smoothest guy they have met, but he extremely photogenic. love all those pictures.

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