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are kongs dish washer safe?


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I've been putting canned dog food and peanut butter into my boys' kongs, I know they probably don't care, but they're getting kind of icky. Can I put them in the dishwasher or will they melt?

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I threw out a "Kong" last month. It got all mushy and sticky from food and from a lot of washing too. But I had it for a year.

We don't have a dishwasher, but I soak the new kong in the sink in soapy warm water.

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Thanks Sally - I always find it really difficult to get the peanut butter out of the top of the Kong, and unfortunately haven't found a dish brush small enough to get in there. I will try soaking it for a while to see if it helps. :)

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You could try a bottle brush, or better yet go to a pet store and get a brush that's used to clean aquarium filters. There are at least two or three different sizes of them and the one i have is deffinatly small enough to get inside the kong and it is also bendable so you could fold the brush part in half and probably still fit inside the kong and clean it even better.

There's nothin' in this world better than puppy breath!!!
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