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Something to add to the endless list of "do and don't" advice


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Heres a new one on me:

I was told today that if you have an adopted/rescued dog, don't say "goodby" when leaving  for an errand, etc. For many such dogs, those were the last words they heard from their beloved owners when they were abandoned or surrendered for adoption. Instead, it's better to say, "see you later" or "l'll be right back", etc. 

The skeptic in me thinks this might be anthropomorphasizing too much, yet most of us appreciate how sensitive our cairns can be. So out of consideration for the feelings he might, (or might not) experience, from now on I'm changing to "see you later, Ruffy"! ?

Edited by sanford
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I had not heard of this before. However, I never say 'goodbye' .I always say, 'We'll/I'll be back!'  I've done this since my first dog and I'm not sure why, other to reassure her that I *am* returning.  I say the same thing whether I'll be gone for 30 minutes or (in the case when we went to Florida) 10 days.

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We could switch it around...try saying see you later or goodbye in five different languages. :whistle:

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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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I agree with the skeptic in you, Sanford.  I don't think it makes much difference what we *say* when we leave.  Buffy and Ziggy can tell we're going somewhere 30 minutes before anyone makes a move toward the door.   Don't know how they do it, but somehow they know.  

We don't say "goodbye" to them when we leave; instead, we say "No parties!".:P

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I like all the above replies... And now that I think of it, I realize that when we say goodby, it's not as if we are leaving our cairns in some strange, anonymous place with alien sounds and smells! The surroundings of home are known and reassuring: cool, air conditioned comfort, toys, chewies, a comfy bed, etc.

P.S. Lynn in Tenn: I think I'll switch to "Hasta la vista, baby!"?

Edited by sanford
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I've never said goodbye either - except alas when they leave me for ever. Say to Angus "Be good. I'll be back" in a cheerful voice and away I go. Of course he will be good because I have never yet felt I could trust him alone in the house for any length of time - so he's always crated:P

Air conditioned comfort- I wish. Up here in the mountains we don't usually get the hot humid weather for more than a few days at a time. This year its been a few weeks already and we are feeling it.

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34 minutes ago, Idaho Cairns said:

...there has never been a bear in the house when we get home.  Our girls are very obedient.



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Addie did not have the most stable start in life. She and her brothers were immediately taken from their mom after she gave birth because her mom (at 6 lbs and fresh out of the puppy mill) was in no state to be a mom. Addie was shifted between a couple foster homes, and didn't have much one-on-one attention (with 10 puppies in one house PLUS the foster's own dogs). So once she found a mom (me) she decided she wasn't letting me out of her sight. She always, always panics a little when I leave her, and I can't seem to convince her I'm really coming back, even after five years. But still, every time I go I always say, "Remember our deal: mommy leaves, but she always comes back."

And I get back I always say, "See? I always come back!"

At daycare drop-offs I like to add, "Make good choices!"

Edited by _whits_
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"as far as i am concerned cairns are the original spirit from which all terriers spring, and all terriers are cairns very deep down inside." pkcrossley

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Mostly I just tell Sassy that "See ya later, I'll be back." Other times I will add, "Do some laundry, vacuum, dishes, anything to make yourself useful." But nothing ever gets done. Looks like I'll be sending her to Idaho for some training. :D

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Sassy Jan 22, 2005



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I don't think it has as much to do with the actual words we use, than it does with our tone and non-verbal communcation. In my experience with rescues, it's best not to say 'goodbye' at all, in any way, verbally or non-verbally, as this cues them to become anxious. Best to simply exit without any fanfare, ideally building up the time you're away in small increments. If we offer a long, pleading, and guilty 'goodbye', what's a pup to think? Any way we can avoid activating their abandonment trauma is to their benefit.

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I sometimes say "Feel free to bite any burglars that stop by while I'm out."  Most frequently though I tell my two boys "Bye ,be good, I'll be back," but that seems to confuse a certain small brown dog because I usually have to follow it up with "No humping!" :ermm:

Who rescued whom?

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I just say see you in a while!  But usually she is not bothered as she is munching a chew in her crate!


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I like the "no parties idea". I usually say Hasta Pronto, Keira i is bilingual,just shows how intelligent our dogs are.Actually those are the only words in Spanish that she knows because that is about all I know. Soo good to be able to read all about all the friends we have made on this forum. Haved miissed you all















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