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Had Ivy 12 mths tomorrow!


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Isn't Gotchya day great IVY??? Mom gets you cookies whenever you want. Congratulations.

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Sassy Jan 22, 2005



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Love the cushion pic.:wub:


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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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Fabulous Ivy. So alert. So sweet, so mischievous. Such a great companion. Hope plenty of treats for special day. Enjoy:party:

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Looking good, Ivy! Is Mom going to make you a gotcha day cake? Maybe a little CHEESEcake? Make sure you get everything you wish for when you blow out those candles.

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Ivy thinks that the sofa is her dog bed!  That cushion has to be flat so she can sit there and see out of window [that is her TV!] and then jump up and down barking if she sees anyone passing in a 360 degree radius! Then she will settle and go to sleep.  Could not resist taking that picture of that funny pose!

I sit watching TV in my chair which is a recliner.  And she also in evening tells me that I need to put recliner up by sitting staring intently at me  and if that does not work she jumps onto me and proceeds to push herself into space between my body and the chair arm!  So then I bring the recliner up and and she stretches out full length and sleeps very contently - and I have a furry hot water bottle by my legs!

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Happy Gotcha Day Ivy! You sure look like you bring a lot of fun into your mum's life. Love the pictures. 

Can't believe it's been a year; I still feel like Ivy is one of our little puppies. 

"as far as i am concerned cairns are the original spirit from which all terriers spring, and all terriers are cairns very deep down inside." pkcrossley

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Happy belated Gotcha Day Ivy!  Maisie does the same thing with me on the recliner, she'll stare at me until I bring the recliner foot rest up, then she jumps up, steps on the arm of the chair to reach my face and give me a kiss and then proceeds to stretch out on the lower part. 

Ivy, you sure are a little cutie pie!

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