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Injured hawk

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In the first picture Dempsy is shutting his eyes - "Ooo, he is to scary to look at!"

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Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



You, Demps and Elsie live exciting lives, Lori...

How do you imagine the hawk managed to live so long without flying? You said the break had healed so he must have been injured a while ago, right?

What kind of hawk was he? And are we assuming it was a he, or do you know for sure?


I meant to ask the zoo keeper what kind he thought he was, but it slipped my mind.  He did say that the hawk was thin and that he was happy that I had him eating, so the hawk must of had a hard time finding food since he lost his flight.  He was my first hawk, but he was pleasant to work with and he seemed like he was young.  I will have to go see him at the zoo.   Happy our paths crossed.  

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Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



I don't know how exciting our lives are, but we do have our share of new friends.  A couple of weeks ago it was this little guy:IMG_3786.jpg

He was released by an old trailer house a couple of miles away.

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Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



Good one Lori! I had a similar experience with Merlin who couldnt fly. I had to also catch him on the ground and bring him to a raptor centre. Jock would have attacked it and given the size of the talons, I think Jock would have come out of that experience in bad shape!

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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie



Great work! Angus would have attacked no matter the size of bird or claws. Demps and Elsie are more experienced with a variety of animals close up. That's wonderful.

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Ditto what everyone else said. Love the stories. Lori you are awesome.

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You should have a show on Animal Planet about all the creatures that find their way to you!

How sweet of you to bring the hawk in and find a home for it. My grandfather raised hawks for the Air Force and my mom spent her entire childhood terrified of them. We used to have a hawk that lived near my parents house, and it kept a close eye on all our dogs. My dad even sent me a news story of a hawk flying off with a Jack Russell Terrier. I hope you get to visit the hawk at his new home. 

That raccoon reminded me of this one: https://www.instagram.com/pumpkintheraccoon/?hl=en

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"as far as i am concerned cairns are the original spirit from which all terriers spring, and all terriers are cairns very deep down inside." pkcrossley


How exciting!  I love hawks and could watch them for hours.  Sometimes it seems they soar on the air currents just for the sheer joy of it.

It was wonderful of you to take care of the hawk and find him (or her) a home.  He (or she) is beautiful!


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Whits:  That little raccoon was not very friendly like the one in your pictures.  He was a little to old to be handled, but it would be cool to have one that snuggled with the dogs. :)


Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori



Wow there was a hawk in your kitchen. Great pictures!


You always have such fantastic stories, Lori, and you *do* have an exciting life!  When you retire from farming, how about writing a book about your adventures on the farm? I can recommend an editor. ;)


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We have rats...

Pepper's Mom

28 minutes ago, Pepper Bug's Mom said:

We have rats...

A hawk would take care of those.:P

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How wonderful you are for saving this hawk and many other animals.  The hawk would most likely have eventually starved to death if you hadn't saved him.  Good job!

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