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Petey and Belle gone but never forgotten


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I am so sorry for your loss of both Belle and Petey. It must have been very difficult to lose them both in such a short time. They sound like they were absolutely fantastic dogs and I'm sure you were all very blessed to be in each other's lives.

On to happier news - congrats on the new puppy!  Banjo is a very cute name.  Pupppppppppppies! We all love puppy pics so I'm sure everyone will be bugging you for some when you get him. :) 

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So happy that you will have a new little Cairn to help fill the emptiness in your heart!!!! Can't wait to see Banjo!!!

Pepper's Mom

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Sorry for your loss. The void will be filled with Banjo. A puppy will be a chore. After living with Cairns before you will be able to handle it. Good luck!

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Idaho Cairns

The absolute panacea for the cruel reality of losing fine Cairns is a Cairn pup.  While you will never stop missing those old faithfuls of your past, the future will be much happier with a new Cairn.  It has certainly been a formula that has worked for us over the years.
Please keep us posted on the new pup--plenty of stories, plenty of pictures--let us share the joy with you!

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So sorry for your loss of two beloved ones. They will stay in your hearts for ever. Banjo will bring life back to your home - in a BIG way. Looking forward to pics and stories.

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That's so hard.  Sorry for your loss.

Banjo will bring back a lot of memories and make new memories.  Enjoy!  Can't wait to meet him!

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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You have my sincere sympathy for your losses of Belle and Petey.  11 and 13 is far too young.  Banjo (love the name) will bring excitement back into your household (maybe more than you want, in the beginning :)).  I hope you'll share all his adventures with us.

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So,sorry about your loss; it's hard enough with one but two would be overwhelming!  Love the Banjo, he'll certainly perk you up!

Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 
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What a heartbreaking loss :(  

But without doubt little Banjo will put a song in your heart again. ? Play it loud and dance!  

Since we're not allowed to endorse or recommend breeders on Cairn Talk I'll take the cautious route and simply say that I'm glad you were able to make a contact. I've been watching one of  our "alums" career in Cairns with pleasure.  Only sorry that CTN fell off their radar, but very few active breeders do participate, for a variety of perfectly understandable reasons.

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  • 2 months later...

Sorry for your loss. It must be so hard losing two. Petey and Belle have eachother and so many other great Cairns to play with now. And you'll see them again. 

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