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Lynn in TN

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This cat showed up at our door a couple of weeks ago. Notice, Prissy isn't happy about it. lol  She does however quit barking, when I tell her to hush.  You might want to turn your volume down a bit before watching. :P My family is allergic to cats, we can't let it come in the house. We are however feeding it. It's fur covers the fact that it is very, very thin. It is a very loving little thing, and doesn't really seem bothered by Prissy telling it off. It antagonizes her often. hehe   Kelly can take it or leave it. She minds me when I say don't hurt the kitty. You can see it in her eyes that she really wants to chase it though. I can actually take Kelly outside with it. I will get a video of that as soon as I can.


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Lets be friends Prissy is saying... ummm maybe not. If a C-A-T enters our backyard, heaven forbid if Rosie ever corners it. It would be a blood bath on both sides, however on our daily walks, a cat called Sophia is often tied on a lead, outside the owners front door (thats a bit scary) , and Rosie is nothing but wagging tail, happy smile, all the body language of a dog that wants to play. Not sure if Sophia is impressed.

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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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It's nice of you to feed the poor little thing. Hopefully they'll all get along, at least to co-exist in the backyard. :)

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Too bad you can't let the cat in. Elsie on Dempsy's Farm adopted a cat and they are good friends. Dempsy could care less about the cat but there are pictures of Elsie and Kitty sleeping together. Glad you are feeding the poor little thing. Do you think it is a feral cat or wandered from someone's home?

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Idaho Cairns

I admire the interpretive dance routine that Prissy uses to try and make the door go away.


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10 hours ago, Idaho Cairns said:

interpretive dance routine


Bwaaa haha! :D


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16 hours ago, Idaho Cairns said:

I admire the interpretive dance routine that Prissy uses to try and make the door go away.


She does the same dance trying to get her food dish in the floor faster, as well. haha  She also does that dance when she needs to potty really bad. :P

I don't believe the cat is feral, it is very loving. It doesn't run away and even came right into the house. I haven't figured out if that makes the cat really brave or really stupid to walk into a house occupied by 2 Cairns, when both have chased it out of the yard many times before. Yes it really did that, walked right in the backdoor and walked right past both dogs while we were all in complete shock. As I was walking it out the front door the shock wore off. :oops: 

I am thinking that it has, or had a home with dogs. It stays most of the time under our porch, and wants so badly to come in. It may be a drop off as it is really thin. I could easily feel ribs even through the fur, as it is rubbing against me, it also has has a few thin places in it's fur.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 It's left ear is  a lot smaller than it's right. It has a white streak of fur above it's lips that looks like a milk mustache. It also has a white streak of fur down the center of it's nose. It has white feet.  I think it's a girl, but haven't really inspected it very closely.

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