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Joggin Partner?

Dempsy's Mom

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I have read before that Cairns make great jogging partners but it came up again the other day in an article and ever since I have been wondering how that really works.?!  I watch Dempsy run.  He doesn't "run" a long ways and then it usually turns into that very awkward fast waddle of his.  I can't imagine jogging with him.   Do some of you jog with your cairns?

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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Ha!  I'm not a jogger but I can't imagine jogging with a Cairn.  Good grief, just walking is a daily adventure.  Buffy will charge ahead if she sees something that interests her but will quickly go back to her usual 'saunter and sniff' mode when her curiosity is satisfied.  From what I have observed it seems Cairns would make good sprinters but not great long-distance runners.

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Ha ha ...I can't imagine jogging period!

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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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Me either! :D  If I tried jogging with Lola, or with Molly, I'm sure it would take them two seconds to wrap that leash tightly around my ankles and I'd be flat on my face! And God forbid if a squirrel happened to cross our paths... :o

Edited by Autumn & Lola
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18 hours ago, Dempsy's Mom said:

I have read before that Cairns make great jogging partners...

I read just the opposite, that cairn's are not built for jogging - the explanation being that among other reasons, their legs are simply too short for extended runs or jogs.

Prior to owning a cairn I had been a (half) marathon runner so I had some interest in the topic when I adopted my first cairn, and read up on the possibility at that time. Sadly, I came to see that alas, he wouldn't be my running companion! ? I suppose there are some cairn exceptions, but it's just my humble opinion that it would be inappropriate to jog with this breed.:nono:

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Ditto Sanford. I think a lot of short legged dogs would not do well over a long distance . Am impressed about the  marathon thing however!  

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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Sprint yes. Long distance walk yes. Long distance jog/run no. Thought I suppose Angus might be able to be trained up a bit. I've seen videos of pugs and terriers on treadmills muscling up for dog shows so who knows. They kinda make me cringe -------


But maybe I'm just overly sensitive. I could have a cup of coffee and watch Angus trot. He'd be fit and I'd be rested.:lol:

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Kelly would gladly jog if I was doing it. I don't know how far she would make it. I don't think she would make it far if temps were above 85 though. 

I have to be honest I don't know what I would do if anything ever happened to her. She does everything with me know matter what.  If I'm outside she is with me, trying to do what I am doing. If I rototill she is digging beside me. If I'm digging up flowers or weeds she is too, if I am mowing she is walking with me. (i use a push mower) If I am sanding sheetrock she is beside me. If I am painting she's there. If I try to do anything without her, I get the Cairn screech of death. It's funny but when DH mows she lays on the porch and watches, sometimes will roll in the fresh cut grass, but when it's me she is by my side or close behind me. For 5 years she has been my constant sidekick and I couldn't imagine my life without her.

I love Prissy too, but it is different than with Kelly. When we go outside Prissy does her own thing. I do thing Prissy would enjoy a one mile jog though.

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14 hours ago, Lynn in TN said:

Kelly would gladly jog if I was doing it. I don't know how far she would make it. I don't think she would make it far if temps were above 85 though. 

I do think Prissy would enjoy a one mile jog though.

When temps get into the low 80's, Ruffy pants a lot on our regular walks, even though we stay on the shady side of the street. He doesn't seem to know his limits and in the summer heat and high humidity, I keep a close eye to see that he doesn't overdo it. In his case it's not jogging, but chasing squirrels and constantly jumping 3 feet up tree trunks trying to climb after them.:nono: 

Although Ruffy, (and maybe Prissy too) would probably chase a squirrel for miles in 85 degree heat, nevertheless, I wouldn't want to take them for a one mile jog!:ermm:


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41 minutes ago, sanford said:

He doesn't seem to know his limits

41 minutes ago, sanford said:


Very true also for Angus - off he goes at the same pace whether it is 40F or 80F. But in summer he fairly soon throws himself down in the long grass or in the shade of a hay bale or tree. If he were jogging he wouldn't have that choice and I don't like to think about what might happen.

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It really drives me bonkers when I see people running along, dog in tow, when obviously the dog is starting to shows serious signs of fatigue and distress. Especially on hot days on pavement. Most dogs will follow their owners into hell if asked (Jock was that way) ... however not one little Scottie names Rosie. When we go for walks if she decides she has had enough, even if its half the short walk we take, she plonks has square butt on the ground and that's it. When we turn around, heading for home, she is then lively in step and attitude.  Yes she does rule the household... in a very gentle but determined way. Typical Scottie.

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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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Lynn, I have seen people do that to dogs. Jogging with their dogs and the dogs look like they will drop from exhaustion and from the heat on hot concrete or pavement. I don't like seeing that at all. I would stop and rest with them often if I ever did jog. I don't understand how people have time to jog. I do well to work my job, my garden, take care of the house and family, and volunteer with my Church.

I take my cues from Kelly on when to rest. She lets me know. I do think that if a person is considerate of a Cairns size and heat intolerance they would make an excellent jogging partner. I could see Kelly or Prissy jogging a couple of miles if given rest and water breaks in temperatures under 85 degrees.

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