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Give a guy a chance to rest a minute will you.


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Lola here. I agree completely. We have so much work to do everyday!  Mathew (my upright brother) accused me of being lazy as I took a nap late in the evening. I took umbrage with that. I had been up since 6 am, inspecting the yard for intruders (birds, squirrels), yelling at the neighbors' kids to keep the noise level down, alerting my mum and dad of the mail man, deliveries and the window cleaners' arrival, being a food critic when offered meals, supervising the uprights' every move, rearranging the stones in my yard, rolling in bird poop to keep my coat smelling good  and my 24/7 job of guarding the house!  Then he begrudges me a little rest. The utter nerve!

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Ahh yes the Cairn stink eye.....much like the Cairn scream of death, no other dog has ever perfected this art as they have. It's a look of total boredom, underlined with a don't push me upright. 


Rosie here. Well Angus  can look anyway he wants as long as it's at me....sigh.....:wub:

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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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