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The Wizard of Oz is on now!


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Just wanted everyone to know that the Wizard of Oz is on now! Channel WB.

Scout looks so much like Toto...I love this movie!


Here's an article about Toto's role in the Wizard of Oz, written by fellow forum-member - and friend - Jill (aka magadog). Jill's Maggie played Toto in a local theater production of Wizard of Oz.

Speaking of theatrical Cairns, another local Cairn actor, Rosie, in yet another Oz production, stole the hotdog off the stick of the Carinival huckster during the scene around the campfire the night we attended. What a riot. I think both Cairn actors gained weight during their runs!

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It's always been a favorite movie of mine, but moreso now that I have cairns. We watched it last night so that Scruffy could see what he would look like on film! I did comment to my daughter that I don't know how they kept Toto from chasing the chickens during the farm scene. No self-respectin' cairn would let a chicken go unchased!! :devil:



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