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Waiting for mom - I wish Cairns listened this well.

Dempsy's Mom

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Idaho Cairns

Love those little guys!  We are about a month away from our fawning season here.  Just hope some of the local gals are still on our hillside.


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Aww, absolutely precious! I've never seen a deer in real life, let alone 'up close and personal'. :)

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Autumn, if you come to Victoria you will see plenty of deer up close and personal, strolling around residential neighbourhoods and feasting on people's gardens. Yesterday on my morning walk with Gus we spotted two big bucks with impressive antlers. They must have weighed 500 pounds each. Just hopped over a five foot fence when they saw the dogs. Does with fawns are more dangerous - Gus and I have been followed and charged a couple of times while walking in public gardens. The fawns are sweet but signify a real problem. We are encroaching on their habitat and their only predator here is the car. Culling is very controversial due to animal rights activism.

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Little guys like him and their moms are all around us now on the game lands and around our homes. Soon we'll see them following mom across the yard. Danger here on roads from the yearlings running about bewildered. Mom lets the young ones stay with her for a year then drives them off when new babies arrive. We have to be alert when driving.

We have other babies too. You can see a bit of Mom at bottom right.Pic from our local weather station. Caption was "Is this where I make a wish?"

bear wishing well.jpg

Edited by Hillscreek
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That is the sweetest picture, he is so adorable.  Were you far away from him when you snapped this photo?  I'm surprised how docile he appears to be just lying there waiting for mom.  Thanks for posting, I love seeing these beauties.


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I was pretty much standing right over him.  He was as still as he could be.  Luckily I was watching or I would have hit him with the gator.

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Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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23 hours ago, Islander said:

 Gus and I have been followed and charged a couple of times while walking in public gardens.

Autumn to Lola, "Accccccckkkkkkkkkkk!  RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!" :D  I'd be so scared. :o

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Autumn I love your sense of humour, you:D always make my day!

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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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