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Would You Believe it?


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We decorated our tree yesterday (live one) and would you believe Scully won't go anywhere near it?

She tried so many times to go over to the bed she lies on during the day which was next to the tree. No way!!! She'd slink over towards the bed and get next to the tree and then jump back and start barking at the tree like there was some boogeyman sitting in it. We use tinsel and I think it's the tinsel around the bottom edge that she doesn't like. However, she was attempting to eat the tinsel that was falling on the ground while we were decorating it. You'd see a piece of tinsel sailing in the wind as she'd take off with it. :P

Now we moved her bed and she'll lie there and then at random decide to bark at the tree.

Ya just can't win for losing with these guys can you? :whistle:

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Today, the little gentleman in our house named Apollo, decided to attack a present under the tree. My sister sent him a toy. He now has it to play with.

Your little lady sounds like a cutie!



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First of all, I just realized I must have had a mental lapse because my I typed my topic heading wrong. It was supposed to say "WOULD you believe it?" DUH!!!

Cathy, we usually leave the tree up until the 6th of January. There's still time for the little bugger to attack it. I've even had presents lying around in the dining room that I wrapped and she hasn't touched a bow yet. I'm telling you, it's scarey. What happened to my little devil girl? :devil:

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I've even had presents lying around in the dining room that I wrapped and she hasn't touched a bow yet. I'm telling you, it's scarey. What happened to my little devil girl? 

She's still there, just waiting for the right moment to strike!! lol :twisted:


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Thela, you have to be absolutely correct. I was scared to put the nativity set underneath the tree because it was my parent's and it's about 55 years old. They bought the pieces a few at a time and the stamp of the price is still on the bottom. Jesus cost $.29.

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Scully is being good so the big jolly guy can leave her presents! Just wait until the day after.....lol!

My two have left the trees and the decorations alone.....so far...I'm still crossing my finger, though. :P

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I really can't trust Skeeter near Christmas' presents because he has tried already to take a peek of what's for him. So I had to take all the presents and hide them in one of our spare rooms. Is not as exciting and pretty as having them under the tree but at least they will survive the Holidays.

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