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2016 Cairn Roundup in Portland Oregon


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Our local club is proud to host the roving national specialty alongside our annual regional specialty this year. Good times will be had and there will many excellent and performance-oriented Cairns to admire.

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CRCTC: Columbia River Cairn Terrier Club | 2025 Calendar



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  • 1 month later...

It's going to be a great show weekend. If you want to see some nice Cairns, Portland is definitely the place to be just a couple of weeks from now. We're having a terrific turnout for  our specialty, the national roving specialty, and the supported entry for the Portland Kennel Club all-breed show. Cairn Central! 

Friday CRCTC Specialty Classes

Puppy Sweeps 12-21
Veteran Sweeps 5-3
Regular: 17-37 (11-11) 24  Total = 100 Cairns!
Jr Show 1

Friday CRCTC Obedience

Novice A 2
Open B 3
BN B 6
Grad Nov 1 
Brace 2

Saturday CTCA Roving National Classes

20-40 (10-10) 12 

Sunday Portland Kennel Club (supported entry)

18-36 (8-9) 1

About those numbers

The counts list out the number of entries in certain types of classes. To the best of my knowledge they are:

Number of Dogs competing for points
Number of Bitches competing for points
Number of Dog Champions competing for Best of Breed (in parentheses)
Number of Bitch Champions competing for Best of Breed (in parentheses)
Number of Dogs+Bitches entered in NonRegular classes (working dog, stud dog, brood bitch, brace, veteran, etc.)

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  • 3 weeks later...

More to post (a few photos at least) after the weekend is over but since I have the url in my phone just now here was the welcome to today's national show. 

I find any event is improved by adding bagpipes :) 

OK needs at least one Cairn


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I posted a few of my photos to our club's event album: http://www.crctc.org/gallery/category/52-2016-specialty-roving-national/  (I hope other club members post more over the next week or so). A few of my favorites so far.







(Photos Brad L.)

(Gracie, Best in Sweeps — Jenny Pic)

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CRCTC: Columbia River Cairn Terrier Club | 2025 Calendar



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Had to laugh at the puddle by the leg of the grooming table next to contestant 108...

Looks like a lot of fun. So many pups in one place to swoon over.



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It was a busy Friday night after a busy specialty show day and while the number of folks in the parade was small, the number enjoying the moment from the hotel grounds and hospitality suite balcony was large!

The skirling of the pipes, the riverboat at dock, the majestic river in the background made for a lovely evening. The empty lead and collar representing our Cairn friends now gone brought a tear to more than one eye.

This video is rather short and stops abruptly due to a phone battery dying at an inopportune moment :( 

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CRCTC: Columbia River Cairn Terrier Club | 2025 Calendar



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Ok.... well the empty collars, with the bag pipes, did a number on my eye makeup!

On a lighter note, such eager Cairns, vying for the front of the parade. Surprised that  the balloons were not attacked.:P

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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The empty collars and leads made me tear up but I agree with terrier lover I'm surprised no balloons were attack by eager cairns:P

Edited by Odin's mama
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