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Silent competition


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large.image.jpeglarge.image.jpegNikki has had some quiet stare offs with a tiny intruder in his house this week. Mom and I looked after our friend's teacup Yorkie who is five pounds of hair, squeaks, and attitude. The yorkie gets fed three times a day, has piddle pads available to her at home all the time, and she sleeps on her owner's bed right up against her. She also wears her hair long, which means I get to frequently readjust the barrette on top of her head, and brush food and tear stains out of her mane.  Needless to say, Nikki and I did not know what we were getting into.  Nikki stared at her when she took his spot in my chair or bed, and she stared right back at him. Neither one of them said anything or acted aggressive. There was nothing happening except for four dark brown eyes staring, four brown ears pointing, and two noses twitching.  Then they went back to ignoring each other, for the most part. 

Funny Face (the dog's actual name, not a nickname!) has latched onto me as her caregiver so when I stay in one spot for any length of time, I get a little tiny rump parked on my foot or leg. Funny has laid claim to Nikki's spot in my recliner and she cut  him off when he was getting ready to jump up.  Poor boy. She also dives in to steal Nikki's food, even though she shies away from every single noise like a plate rattling on the floor or the retractable leash clicking, and she growls in panic if her leash brushes against her leg.  Yesterday, she decided she has to sleep on my bed with me and Nikki. She cried and panted like a freight train for hours... I finally got up and put her on my bed at six this morning after ignoring her all night long. Nikki was fine with her being in his space, even though he got a little bit crowded between my restlessly moving legs and Funny stubbornly curling up against my knee. When I got up later to get dressed, Funny took the opportunity to curl up against my pillow and give me a smug look. She also has an odd talent for shooting poo nuggets into the air when she has gas... Eww. She went on the rug twice in between two piddle pads that were less than three feet away from each other.  

What's funny though is that Funny Face does some of the same things Nikki does.  She curls up against my leg the same way.  She runs away when I try to pick her up. Just like he does. She squirms and growls when she's held too long. Like Big Brother Nikki. And when Mom is upstairs walking around, both dogs act nervous and bark when she comes downstairs.  Oy.   

Thank goodness her mommy is coming home tomorrow. Four days with this little squeaky growly pipsqueak has been an eye opener.  I don't think Mom and I will get Nikki a little sister or brother any time soon. Lol. I'm not ready to have two terriers ordering me around. 


Edited by Lupinegirl
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I'm sorry to laugh, but your whole post had me in stitches! :lol: At least you'll be back to normal tomorrow! ;)

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It's fine. I'm laughing too. I can't help laughing at these silly little critters, even when they aggravate me. They just played the rotating chair game.  Funny was in Nikki's spot in my recliner and he decided he was going to come up regardless, so I moved Funny into my lap.  Funny stared as Nikki turned around and parked in my recliner with me. Two seconds later, she trotted down my leg and jumped off.  

Ten seconds later, the situation was reversed. Funny stared up at Nikki, nose to nose with him.  She scratched my shoe and chair, asking me to make room for her. Then she popped up and tried to make room for herself. Nikki flinched when she stepped on his hair as she cat walked down my leg.  He decided he'd had enough so he hopped down.  Funny settled on my leg until she realized the coveted spot had been vacated. Now she is quite happy curled up in that nice prewarmed saggy spot in the recliner while Nikki is chilling under my recliner.  For a few seconds though, Funny was sitting on top of Nikki's rump! They had me in stitches. XD 

Truce (for ten seconds) https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=7F3D1D2C3B5B08B8!7486&authkey=!AMVIszDMTwpuV98&v=3&ithint=photo%2cjpg

Edited by Lupinegirl
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Shooting poo nuggets...now that is a talent! I am amazed that Nikki took it all in stride. I know Jock would have had his upper lip curled for the four days. :vampire::vampire:

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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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Oh, Lord . . . this is hilarious!  I can't imagine a tiny Yorkie bossing Buffy around.  I doubt she would tolerate it for more than a minute before going after the little beast full throttle.  Nikki has the patience of a saint!

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Too funny, I just couldn't stop laughing while reading your post.  Funny is adorable but sounds like she is loaded with attitude, as most Yorkie are.  My friend has one and she is a prima donna and practically runs the house.  Nikki sounds like he's being a little gentleman in spite of everything, I would love to know what he's thinking during some of those times.....:lol:

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Cute story.  Nikki was patient with her little house guest.  Tomorrow all will be normal again.  Sounds like it was a good experience. :)


Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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Ohh, I like the polar bear fleece.

 Funny Face?!  What are people thinking with these names?  Loki's original name was Tater Tot.  I just imagined a late teen/early 20's buying and naming him.  I'm still (and I adopted him more than eight years ago) embarrassed on his behalf.

I dog sat for a neighbor between Christmas and New Year's.  I don't think there has ever been a creature that can so clearly express themselves as a Cairn that is just barely tolerating the circumstances.   I feel for you.

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Who rescued whom?

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