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Party time in Pontefract!

Autumn & Lola

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Hiya all my Cairn and non-Cairn buddies!

My mummy and daddy took off for the beach on Sunday and it's been party, party, party here for two days!  I get to stay with Mathew who doesn't care WHAT I do!  I get to run from the first floor to the third, up and down and up and down the stairs, barking my fool head off and nobody yells at me!  I don't eat my breakfast - then I give Mathew the 'poor starving puppy look' and he gives me lots of treats.  He doesn't try to make me eat vegetables because he doesn't like them either. Last night I had a whole baby hamburger to myself! (Not 1/2 of one like my Mummy does, who also  mixes it with veggies! :mad:  Since he doesn't have a job, I don't get any of that, 'Not now, Lola, I'm working' nonsense I get from Mummy and Daddy. I get to sleep upstairs on Mathew's bed and he takes me out at like 2 a.m. and I can see what is going on at that time of night when I'm usually asleep!  So much fun and adventure!  Of course, I do miss my Mummy and Daddy, :( but they'll be home soon and they'll be so excited to see me that I'll get away with some stuff for a few days. :lol:

So what do you all get up to when your Mummy and/or Daddy is away?  I'd like some ideas for next time! ;)

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Hi Lola!  When my Mummy and Daddy actually LEAVE THE HOUSE for a while, say on a Saturday afternoon, I like to take over their favorite spots and nap.  I can strrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeetch out on Mummy's recliner without having to share it with anyone.  Plus, I take her pretty afghan and muss it up so I can have it just the way I want it.  Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh . . . 

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Lola you are having such a fun time! When my uprights are out I like to guard the front of the house, making Scottie Screeches (a bit different from the Cairn screech of death) as rabbits and gasp...cats dare go across MY lawn. I can jump up and down and leve nose and :evil::evil:foot prints alllll over my mums bay window and no one can stop me because I am the ruler of the house when THEY are out. Serves them right to leave me alone anyway! Humff. 

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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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5 hours ago, hheldorfer said:

Hi Lola!  When my Mummy and Daddy actually LEAVE THE HOUSE for a while, say on a Saturday afternoon, I like to take over their favorite spots and nap.  I can strrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeetch out on Mummy's recliner without having to share it with anyone.  Plus, I take her pretty afghan and muss it up so I can have it just the way I want it.  Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh . . . 

Hiya Buffy!  At first I thought this was a bit tame for you, but nah....it is a very good idea!  Daddy is always telling me to move over but I can take up the WHOLE couch while they are gone!  After all, I can't run around barking my fool head off ALL the time. A gal needs a good nap to get refreshed for another barking session. I wonder if I can figure out how to turn on the TV? ;)


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19 minutes ago, Terrier lover said:

Lola you are having such a fun time! When my uprights are out I like to guard the front of the house, making Scottie Screeches (a bit different from the Cairn screech of death) as rabbits and gasp...cats dare go across MY lawn. I can jump up and down and leve nose and :evil::evil:foot prints alllll over my mums bay window and no one can stop me because I am the ruler of the house when THEY are out. Serves them right to leave me alone anyway! Humff. 

Hiya Rosie,

I bet your screeches wake up the neighborhood!  What FUN!  And great idea about the window!  We have a sliding glass door to the patio and Mummy just cleaned it before she left. Hee hee  Wait until she comes home and see my cute little nose and paw prints all over it! :D


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