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Teddy Bear and Grieving

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I'm afraid Teddy's not handling the loss of so many household members any better than we are.

First there was the loss of Deion (parakeet), and Lord Bunnington (rabbit) the next day.  Then there was Olie on December 31 and Sweet Pea on March 22.  The house is so, so quiet.  Someone like me just suffers in silence and cries buckets on the inside.  All the Bear can do is wander around looking for people (we haven't disassembled the rabbit ex-pen), and whine a lot.  Often he is inconsolable. 

This is a very challenging time for the Wilk household.  And I just got riff'ed again.  (Less than two months at job this time.)

Max and Nelly


so many losses. i've been through periods like that, a few years ago for months it seemed i was either waiting for an elderly relatives to die, or taking hopelessly ailing pets to the vets, or attending funerals or burying little loved ones in the backyard. there didn't seem to be a break in it. but it is a cycle. eventually only the young and vigorous are left, and it is okay to concentrate on them again. how about a new rabbit? mine is currently going on 13, his brother died three years ago and i thought my bunny would probably pine away for him and die himself but actually he is chipper and looking forward to each new day. he was sad for a time, then shrugged and said, where's my morning kale? still, at 13 his days are numbered. rabbits are truly excellent pets. our local humane society always has a bunny or two looking for a happy home. you need some quiet time, and then start over... my bunny knows best. 

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We're signed up with Friends of Rabbits (local rescue group) for when all the "Easter Rabbits" are surrendered after people realized adopting them for their childrens' pleasure was an inane idea.  DH was reserved about the idea (I think he hates watching me suffer when one of them passes).  Both Simba (kitty) and Teddy need a new companion.  I agree.  That's how this place works.  I cannot do without nonhuman companionship in my life; their company is essential...period.

Time for a rescued bunny.  :)

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Max and Nelly


Times are very tough when several go close together. Finding a new friend for Teddy will help you both. The others always remain with us - treasured in our hearts.

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It's horrible that you are going through this, I can't even begin to imagine how I would feel if I lost so many of my little family members in such a short time, but I agree with Pam.  When you open your heart and home to a pup/bunny or bird, the feeling can be wonderful just knowing that you are helping out a pet who is lonely and searching for love.  I think Teddy will perk up once you introduce a new bunny to your household.



  • 1 month later...

Miss Kitten, the Netherlands Dwarf rabbit has helped the rest of us to perk up (including Teddy and Simba the kitty.)

Odd that before she was given up, she was given the name, "Kitten".   Everyone here is having fun getting to know the new family member.  The household tenor is less sad, I think.  Teddy is definitely feeling happier.  Maybe it's because I'm not as sad.  Thank you for listening.


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Max and Nelly


Good to hear that Miss Kitten has found a home with you and has perked things up a bit.:)


Gotta update our family photo.

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Max and Nelly

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