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He's outgrown the chewing, what do I do now?


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Wes has finally stopped eating away the house. Now I want to take all the land mines out of the living room, but there is a problem.

I noticed that the carpet has been "started," and think that Wes will too and he will be enticed to pick away at the rest of it. So I figure I will have to keep something over the spot to hide it.

The something will have to be thin and look like the floor. But it will have to be heavy so he can't push it away.

I need suggestion. Anybody... PLEASE!



Is this area in the middle of the room or on the edge? Cute pic of him BTW!



It's sort of in the corner, but in front of the piano leg.

For a while, I had to put the piano legs in flower pots. He was gnawing away at the legs like a beaver.

Can you imagine what my living room looked like?


Hi Sally,

We had the same problem with Duffy. The ONLY thing that worked was putting small bricks over the patches. Fortunately they were all in areas where the bricks could not be seen (and niether could he when he was vandalizing the carpet), but that was the only thing heavy enough for him not to be able to move. Not esthetically the most pleasing solution, but it worked. Eventually the carpet chewing phase ended, so the is still hope!



One of mine, Cooper I suspect, found a spot the carpet had been repaired years ago just last week. He started messing with it. I put a hall rug over that area to cover it, so what do I find........three toys 'buried' under it!!!!! I just can't win!


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.

Sally, it sounds like you could set just about anything heavy on that spot since it's in front of the piano leg...statue, plant, etc. Maybe Wes will forget about it once it's covered up for awhile. Yea, right! LOL

Pat, that is too funny about Cooper burying his toys under the rug of the forbidden spot! :lol:


You guys crack me up - I can just picture a beautiful piano with the legs in a flower pot!!! You should submit it to Home and Garden, maybe it will start a new fad. As for burying the toys under the rug, how funny.

My little puppy is so precious I just can't imagine, however, I know I'm in for the ride of my life!!!!!


Thanks, everyone. I finally figured it out. I'll remove four plastic bins and put one over the big hole in front of the piano. I'll put the other one in the corner over the other big hole. ;)

Let's face it. We live like Sanford & Son.


Oh, my! Wes ate holes in your carpet?? I think I need to go hug my puppy...she likes to suck on my socks! LOL!

I'm glad Wes is over this stage. How old is he?

I wasn't as lucky with Scout. She has chewed her fair share of our shoes and purses. :devil:


We finally gave up at our house and ripped out all of the carpet and had wood laminate flooring installed. It cleans up easy if they have an accident, its so puppy proof its great!


Wes used to love socks- until I asked him to help take mine off. Now he just sticks out his tongue and walks away.

Wes is a 2-year old who still has his baby teeth.

Besides the carpet, he chewed the chair legs, the couch trim, a piece of the bookcase and the bathroom wall.


My sister-in-law's Weimeraner ate our house when he was a puppy and she lived with us. I had to sand and repaint all of the door frames. I was lucky that Yoda wasnt ever a chewer, but if he had been I would have tried crating him when I couldnt keep an eye on him until he outgrew it. The good news is that my sister-in-law's dog outgrew it by the time he was about 1yr old-she bought her own house around that time and he never chewed it up once-humpf!



Two rows of teeth? Well, no... Wes' adult teeth never replaced his front baby teeth.

Now, on the other hand, you may have been describing my son as a kid. He DID have 2 rows of teeth. And we DID call him "sharkey" for a while.

My sister in law also has some baby teeth. The adult ones never grew in.

Come to think of it, maybe our family holds onto baby teeth forever!



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