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The Other Side of Toto


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This is a wonderful little article on the Col. Potter Cairn Rescue Network website that I thought you would all enjoy. Forgive the repeat if this has been posted before. I think everyone considering getting a cairn should read this first!



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I guess that I should have mentioned in my first post that many of the traits, both good and bad, I find in Duffy but then again I knew these were Cairn traits from the onset. I sort of knew what I was getting into. He's a pistol, but we love him to death! :D He has more presents under the tree for his first Christmas then we have.


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They forgot motorcycles. Especially Harley's. They drive Apollo nuts and I swear when we are traveling, he can hear them 50 miles down the road (or behind).



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Yes, that describes Rebel to a tee! Stubborn, Independent, Smart, and fun loving and did I say smart? Hey and he loves motorcycles too, especially Harleys.


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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Guest Kathryn

They definitely forgot to add kids on skateboards...

Steve says that, when she can't find anything else to bark it, Allie will bark at "dust falling..."

And I don't think I'll ever be able to let my "top dog" guard down. She still challenges me after seven years.

Still - what a great dog!

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Guest Kathryn

After last night, I had to come back to this and read it again.

Last night Steve and I celebrated Christmas with our neighbor and best friend, Bette, and her border collie, Walter. (She's off to see her grandkids later this week.) Of course Allie came along - she's Walt's best friend. He obeys her every command.

In our bag of presents we had a gift for Walt, a little orange squeaky ball because Walt loves to fetch balls. Halfway through dinner, I heard Allie squeaking something, and yes, it was Walt's present.

I couldn't believe she had dug out Walt's present, and there she was playing with it (and making sure, by the way, that he couldn't get it...). She was so FORWARD, as my mother used to call it.

It was embarrassing but, by now, Bette already knows about our dog. She, on the other hand, has the ultimate always-friendly, always-obeys, always-perfectly mannered dog. (Those darn border collies!)

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Oh yes, yes, yes! If Annie doesn't fit a trait, then Sofia does. I took them to the Vet's yesterday for a nail clip. A lumbering, mild-mannered, never exitable bassett hound came in and Sofia lunged at him/her!! She about pulled out my shoulder! They bark at every doorbell on TV, not to mention real ones! Sassy, my first Cairn got hysterical if I took out aluminum foil! Can't wait to see what #4 will be like! But I'll have a leg up on that one! Yeah right!


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