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Pig Dogs?


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Every morning as soon as the boys wake up, they make a bee line to my bedroom. It's the only carpeted room they are allowed in. Scruffy trots to the middle of the floor and starts his rolling and grunting like a pig. Tucker stops at the entrance and starts a belly crawl across the floor until he has reached the other side, then he starts the piggy rolling and grunting. You'd think they were rolling in a big mud pit! It cracks me up every morning. :lol: Anyone else have pig-dogs?? :huh:


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Hi! Riley likes to do the belly crawl - - or "army crawl" as we call it. In the morning he will sneak up the stairs very quietly - - go to my side of the bed - - sit there quietly "sighing" and WILL me to wake up!!!! So funny !!!!

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We have several rooms with carpet and others with rugs, so mine don't do this to feel the rugs, but they do wipe their mouths off on my rugs! After they eat, they start rubbing and rubbing their faces on my rugs! They also do this after their baths, even outside on the grass!

Thela, what a site that must be with their rolling and grunting! You must post pics of this...it sounds like a hoot!

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Hi Thela,

Yes, Duffy is a pig dog too! His morning routine is to come out of his crate, run to his breakfast, then roll and snort AND kick his legs like he is bicycling on the throw rug in front of the kitchen sink. We say he is doing is Jane Fondas for the day. Then its outside to do his business. It is a morning ritual in our house. I'm glad to hear there are other pig dogs out there!


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Scully, out of the crate in the a.m., does the belly rub and eyeball wiping on the rug. First she goes across the floor doing one side, and then it's back doing the other side. Sometimes she'll do this rubbing her back on the rug thing with this sound that's like somebody's beating her up, the legs going every which way. I keep waiting for the neighbors to call the cops on us for animal abuse. :P

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Echo does the wriggling on her back thing while Stella pretends to grab Echo by the neck and/or pounces on her. Meanwhile, Haggis rubs his back against the sofa all the while circling around it with his back pressed against it. All of them grunting as you describe. Barley does a few play-bows and gives us the 'what is it with those dorks' look - although she does the face-rub along the carpet thing after meals.

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