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Daddy I'm Starving!

Malcolm's Dad

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Malcolm has been spoiled last week. Usually he gets kibble for breakfast and dinner. I wanted to make this Christmas special for him so he was getting extra treats. One night chicken and brown rice, then snibbles of turkey on Christmas Day. There was some liver sausage I use to give him the Bendryl tabs and wanted to use it up before it went bad. He got snibbles of that too. He got a lot of treats, not too much at one time just little bits hand fed.

This  morning he had his breakfast. That wasn't enough. All day he was giving me the little barks and grunts. He would sit by my leg and give me the paw in the ankle or the nose in the leg. If that didn't work it was jump in my lap, sit looking me straight in the face and give that Cairn stare.

I had waffles for breakfast but don't know if butter and maple syrup is good for dogs so I ignored him. You DO NOT ignore Malcolm. Got some more kibbles and hand fed him a little bit. That satisfied him for 5 mins then he wanted more.

This dog has me so controlled!!! I went to the store and got some more liver sausage and chicken. Made more chicken and brown rice for lunch. Then he got little snibbles of liver sausage after lunch. He has been snacking all day. At dinner I wasn't that hungry so just had a liver sausage sandwich lol. Malcolm got his usual kibble for dinner. That wasn't enough for him. He is still pestering me for more snacks.

Enough us enough. He can pester me all he wants tonight. If he starves to death, which is what he wants me to think, then he can just starve to death. Tomorrow he will still be here pulling the same routine.

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ouch.  we are new here, expecting our new pup on JAN 17.  our plan is to not go down that slippery slope!!  an overweight Cairn is not something we want to experience and that's one of the cons of the breed (according to a number of websites).  We plan to use select treats for training purposes only and not let her even get the idea that the treats like you are mentioning are even an option!  The in-laws have a Shih Tzu that gets table scraps, ice cream, etc. and yeah he's a couple pounds overweight AND constantly begs!  RRRR.  well good luck


Edited by Flatpick
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6 hours ago, Flatpick said:

...an overweight Cairn is not something we want to experience and that's one of the cons of the breed (according to a number of websites)...

The way I understand it, overweight problems in cairn terriers is not a breed characteristic. Instead, weight problems in cairns are due solely to feeding too many treats!  These dogs are master manipulators... Their soulful eyes are hard for most of us to resist as they stare up at us and use every "body language" trick in the book to wear us down until we deliver up a treat, just as Malcm's Dad describes above!

So no worries re your new pup! She'll be fine because you'll be starting her off with good habits by not overindulging her with too many treats, and keeping her training treats no bigger than the size of your small fingernail.

Be sure to send us pix of your new pup when she's home!

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Sounds like Malcolm has you wrapped around his little paw.  Smart guy!

Buffy and Ziggy made out like bandits over the weekend too, but they're back on the standard diet as of today.  I'm sure they'll manage to wheedle some New Year's treats out of us though.

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Be strong, Malcom's Dad! :D   I'm sure he'll try to wear you down over the next few days, until all those visions of sugar plums liver sausage stop dancing in his head!

Lola has had turkey and beef over the past few days. She's begged a little bit for other things, but not too badly.  I was shocked at her control when I was picking all the meat off the turkey and left the discards in a pan on the floor (right next to me). She approached and I said, 'No!' and she just sat a few feet from it, looking at it, but not advancing. I was proud of my girl. :D


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yeah, EVERYTHING about living with a cairn is a character test (steve take note). standing up to these 10-inch high dogs is no joke. hold fast, malcolm's dad. the reward is that cairns only respect people who stand up to the most severe challenges. once malcolm is totally completely convinced that you will not break, he will be back to his cooperative self. maybe even bring you breakfast in bed, who knows. 

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And then there is us. Long pause...........Rosie has always been a respectful 18.4 pounds and cheese is her addiction as is anything that we eat. And we oblige her because , well, ...just because. The secret to her weight management is that we home cook for her which means meat and veggies only. No grains, no potatoes. I should follow the same diet! :shock::shock:


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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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Way to go Malcolm! You've become a master beggar. I'm glad you had a special meal for Christmas.

@Flatpick My Cairns get some of everything I eat. For Christmas dinner Kelly and Prissy had turkey, gravy, a teeny bit of stuffing and potatoes, green beans, and a couple of bits of pumpkin pie. They are master beggars and they will almost definitely get to you eventually. 

I have never had a dog that begs as good as a Cairn. That being said neither of my girls have a weight problem. Prissy is 9 years old weighs 17 pounds, but she is taller than she is suppose to be, so her weight is perfect for her size. Kelly is 4 and her weight is 14 pounds she is the height and weight she should be. I haven't watched their weight but if I give them a good bit extra one day I just throw a ball around and let them chase it an extra few minutes. ( Both my Cairns also gets table scraps, ice cream, etc. small amounts.)

I hope you post pictures of the new pup when you get it. I can't wait!


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yeah, we figured it will be a hard line to hold with Cairns!  Thanks for the words of wisdom ALL!  we'll post some pictures of her when we return home from the breeder.  The parents look awesome and are a hoot to be around.  One of her cousins was present, as well, so we'll be getting a near carbon copy.  Looking forward to having a dog again after 15 years without!



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