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My Puppy Is FINALLY Home With Me


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After months of waiting, my puppy is finally here. We picked her up this afternoon and she is just adorable. It was a 2-1/2 hour ride home and she did really good with just a little crying. She has been checking everything out at home. The cat hates her so far, but we'll see what tomorrow brings. So far 3 accidents in the house and I've taken her our numerous times, but she doesn't get it yet. Will work on that tomorrow. Just wanted to tell everyone that there is nothing sweeter than a Cairn puppy! She is asleep here on my lap as I type. Just so warm and cuddly! Maybe Santa will bring me a digital camera so I can post her picture.

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So far the name agreed upon is Mila, named by my son. I think I'm going to wait a few days and see if her personality brings out another name, but Mila so far. Actually when I look at her I just can't think up a name good enough for her!

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Congrats on the new pup, Kate. I can't wait to see the pictures. You're right, there's nothing sweeter than a cairn puppy! Do you pronounce Mila like mee-lah or mie-lah? Either way, it's a lovely name. Enjoy this time with her!


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Congratulations on you new pup! I remember all too well holding a young cairn asleep in my arms. Lucky for me, my 7 mth old still loves to sleep in my lap. I too hope :santa2: sends you a digital so you can share pics w/ us.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Well, what a night --- she went to sleep at 11:00 - up at 1:30 am - back to sleep until 3:30 am and up again. She cried and cried in her crate. Hopefully she just misses her littermates and will adjust better tonight. It is OK, I was expecting a few sleepless nights!

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Ah...the new mommy syndrome! :halo: I remember those nights vividly. It gets better.

I'm so happy for you with your new little pup. Just like babies, they don't stay small very long. Elliott was just 8 weeks old not so long ago and I could hold him in one hand. Now he's almost 4 months....

The housetraing takes alot of time, patience, diligence and consistancy. I'm still working on getting Elliott housetrained....we have a couple accidents every day but it's usually because I didn't watch him close enough.

Check out some previous posts here on that subject...good info.

Enjoy your bundle of fur!!!!!

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Congratulations on your new little bundle of joy!

Maybe you could borrow someone's camera so we can get a peek at your new pup?

We L-O-V-E seeing pics :wub: !!


Cathy and Piper

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Congrats on the new "baby!" I wish you and your family many happy healthy year ahead with your little girl.

How did your son come up with the name? It's really unusual.

Nothing like a puppy for Christmas, VERY cool!

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Her name is pronounced Myla. I don't know how my son came up with that name and yes it is unusual, however my husband keeps wanting to call the dog Toto. I don't want her to get confused so it is still up in the air about a name. Anyone have any suggestions? Wish me luck on sleep tonight, I swear that dog has slept the day away napping, playing and then napping some more. She is still a baby and I just love her.

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I guess you would call her brindle. She has a coal black muzzle, tail and feet with brown, black, red, tan all mixed in over the rest of her. Oh and just above her little nose is this almost white spot! She just stands so cute with that little tail straight up in the air. My hubby is tring to get his digital camera working, so hopefully I can post some pics soon.

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Kate, she sounds just so precious! My boss and his wife just put a deposit on a Scotty for their kids for Christmas. I was pushing REALLY hard for a Cairn. ;)

He was looking for suggestions for names and I was thinking since they are giving the puppy to the girls for Christmas - Noel or Holly.

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Kate, how wonderful for you and the puppy. Best of good luck to you all. My Nicky is 2 and 1/2 years old now. But I remember when I brought him home. Oh, he was so sweet, and he still is. Spoilt but sweet. they will steal your heart. And when I think of a Cairn puppy I get all fuzzy inside. But I look at Nick-and his vet bills, and food bills, and his picky ways he wants things done for him. And his baths, and trims and how he hates to have his nails clipped. And the fuzzy turns into reality-Nick is all we can handle. :( But I do look at their pictures of Cairn puppies all the time. :)

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Guest webstar

Hi Kate, Congratulations on your new baby girl. My suggestion for a christmas name is Krissy. When i got Molly she was 6 weks old, I put her in a box high enough tnat she couldn't jump out of at night, right next to my bed (you could use her crate) and kept my hand in it to comfort her. I never had a sleepless night. The minute she woke up in the moning I would take her right out and she would make her pippee for me. and in the daytime if I cauht her as soon as she got up from napping out she would go.I kept newspapers in front of the door and it wasn't long before she would use them if I didn't get her out in time. Molly is 26 months now and if i have to leave her for more then eight hours I still put the newspapers by the door and she will use them if she really has to but most of the time she waits till i get home. Good Luck. Molly's, Gram

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Thanks everyone for all of the suggestions for names and other information. Last night was much better, she was good from midnight until about 5:30 this morning. I got up, took her out and then both of us went back to sleep on the couch. I'm afraid I'm spoiling her! Now the potty issues are getting a wee bit better, but it is a new day and we're still working on that!

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Guest posting as: Darcys mom

What a wonderful experience you have ahead of you!! Cairns are such wonderful pets. I know she will give you and your family many, many wonderful, happy and joyous years. You asked about names, perhaps you should go on the web and search for Scottish female names if you want to stay with her background. The lady we got our little girl from suggested Darcy, it means "Dard Eyes" in Scottish. Just a thought.

Enjoy your new bundle of joy and take each day as it comes and soon she will no longer be a puppy but a great little gal for you and your family to enjoy. Please post pics as soon as you can.

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