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Make your own Calendar


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I just got my calendar I made of my families pets. It is really neat and a great quality. I used a company called shutterfly.com downloaded my pictures and it lets you put boarders around the pictures and captions on it. With all of the wonderful pics on this site I know all of you are like me and would love to have a calendar to put up in your office of your babies.

The thing I really liked was how heavy the calendar is. When you are making it tells you if the picture could be blown up. I even scanned a picture of my sons with our first dog an Irish Setter they are sitting on him and touching his nose and it is on the cover. I did have to scan it at a higher DPI so it took a couple of tries.

The cost was only 15.99, I know other companies have calendars and they are probably just as good. I sent in my order on Sunday and got it yesterday.


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron


That is a really cute idea! I made calendars with my kids pics for the grandma's one year. I think a Cairn calendar would be great!


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