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Bailey Pictures


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Here they are. The first one is from last night. My husband is holding her in his hand to give you an idea of her size. The second one is this evening, in her favorite spot on the couch. You can see how silky her coat is. The only area on her body that is coarse is on her tail and at the base of her back. If we keep her, I'm hoping that I can get her coat back to normal. She looks like a blonde Yorkie.

Things are better tonight. She's still growling sometimes at my husband and also my oldest son. It's usually when they come into a room where she is sitting with me. She gets a time out when that happens. Otherwise, she's doing great. My husband is the one who gives her treats and feeds her. Hopefully she'll start to trust him.

She was actually playing with me today. She's adorable when she's happy and not feeling threatened. She has a beautiful smile, too.

If it doesn't work out, I know of two single women who want her. They will have to agree to work with her and never give her to anyone else or a shelter without consulting me or the breeder first. But at least we have some options.




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Bailey is so pretty and I do hope it works out. That's great that you have someone lined up who will take her if things don't work out. Her coat reminds me of my Abbey's. Abbey was only groomed once and is now 13 mths old. Her coat is also very silky, not a cairn standard but I love her just the same. I'm only using a Mars Coat King on her now and she looks pretty good. Her nails seem to grow in her sleep and need trimming weekly.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Thela, Bailey looks really adorable. It seems like she's making progress, hopefully that will continue. I'm so glad though that if it doesn't work out that she'll be going to a good home.

I'm betting she'll stay right where she is! ;)

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She is gorgeous but I think I missed a post somewhere because the last thing I remember reading was you were getting Zoe's sister. I'm assuming that's her, right? ( Bear with me here.....too many posts for a small mind to absorb. :confused: )

Now it sounds like there may be issues with her...I do hope all turns out okay no matter what choices you have to make.

I'm off to surf for missed posts....

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She sure is a cutey! And, already looks pretty comfy on the back of the sofa!

Hope it all works out for you, Thela!


Cathy and Piper

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