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"Gus is missing!" - spoiler alert, everything OK


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So this happened about a month ago and I am only now able to write about it.

Gus has been going out for a pack walk with a dog walker once a week for years. The original walker had been the assistant trainer in his puppy class so knew him very well. She sold the company to her assistant and everything continued without any problems. Then the new owner had medical issues and had to sell the company to someone else quite suddenly. Her assistant didn't feel able to take on the whole company. Anyway, I liked the new owner, who already had a training and walking business; she had been down to Cesar Millan's centre for training, she posted lots of videos of herself and the dogs and I thought Gus responded really well to her. However, she had too much many dogs to handle by herself and Gus went out a couple of times with her assistant.

One Friday just around the time he was supposed to be home, I got a phone call from the owner: "I have bad news. Gus is missing. He has been missing for an hour." I immediately became quite distraught. I couldn't figure out how he had gone missing as in his 7 1/2 years he has never run off for more than a few minutes. I was sure something dire had happened to him. I was a mess!!! The owner assured me that she was on her way out to the site and was determined to find him.

Fortunately for my blood pressure, she phoned back after only five minutes to say that Gus was safe and on his way home. It transpired that her assistant had loaded all the dogs into the truck at the end of the hike and FORGOT GUS!!!! She only noticed he was missing when she dropped off her first dog in town - about 20-30 minutes away. So she immediately turned around and went back to the parking spot and THERE HE WAS, waiting patiently. I am so lucky that he didn't decide to strike out on his own, he must have been really freaked out when the truck left without him.

The assistant was fired that day and the former assistant was hired. I really trust her, and she told me she would never, never forget to bring Gus home.

But isn't it incredible that he waited? He has gotten extra cuddles and love ever since that happened.

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OH thank God Gus is one smart boy! I would have had a major melt down. There are coyotes and all kinds of other predators on the Island...yikes. One of the many reasons we don't kennel our dogs or let anyone else take care of them. So glad all turned out ok. It could have easily gone the other way. Big hug to you and Gus!

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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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That's terrifying but I can sort of imagine him waiting there.  


Once our gate was unlatched and a dog we had named Rosebud left the backyard. We nearly fainted in panic and as we raced back into the house to grab a coat and dash out the front door to go searching … there she was waiting by the front door to be let back in. If she could have reached the doorbell I imagine she'd have rung it.


Good job, Gus, good job! 


And thank you for adding the spoiler to the title :)

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I would of popped my corset. Truly feel the panic here. especially after Kelly's tomato incident in the summer. I can see him just setting there patiently waiting. haha


I wonder if he really did set there waiting or did sniff around and do all sorts of things ; here the truck from a distance, and run to his spot and act like he had been there the whole time. haha


I am so glad he is safe.

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wow, what a cliff hanger. i couldn't believe it when i saw the short headline. good, good boy gus. lucky on many scores, many congratulations and give the boy a hug from us. 

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Poor Gus.  Can you imagine what he felt watching the truck drive away?  Bet he was just disgusted.  He was probably running options through his mind and decided to sit a bit while Miss Dingbat figures out she's missing one.  Such a smart boy Gus.  Glad everything turned out.  That's one for the memory book.  

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Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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Very very frightening. Even though I knew there must be a happy ending my heart beat fast when I was reading your post. What a good cairn Gus is. Snuggles and treats for you my boy!

PS. How could anyone FORGET a cairn terrier!!

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I have asked him repeatedly what he did for the hour he was waiting, but he refuses to tell me. It will always be Gus's lost hour.

Thank goodness I was only scared for a few minutes. I think the whole hour would have done me in!

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Oh, my! Yes, even though we knew the outcome, it was terrifying to read. I'm always imagining my boys getting loose when someone else has them. That's why we never board them and only let either my parents or sister watch them, in rare cases.

Gus is so smart! These guys sure know when something isn't going the way it's supposed to be. If a leash slips out of my hand, my dogs sit immediately and wait for me. It doesn't happen often, but they sure know how it's supposed to be. Gus, too, knew he was supposed to be in that vehicle. Yep, knowing what he was doing all that time would be really interesting. Glad it all turned out okay.

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Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 
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I missed this post yesterday.  You are incredibly lucky that Gus waited and that nothing happened to him while waiting for his ride home.  I would have been terrified and can only imagine the panic you felt when you got the phone call.


Gus deserves major rewards for his  patience and loyalty. :king:  As for  his "lost hour":  I guess what happens out on the trail *stays* out on the trail . . .

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This reminds me of the story of Snowball, (not a cairn) which also comes with a spoiler alert - all ended well.

When she was a child, my friends dad rowed her, together with younger sister and Snowball, out to the island in a large lake where they would frequently picnic. In late afternoon, weather changed, sky started to darken and water became choppy. They packed up and called Snowball, who hung with them all day, but decided to disappear at that moment. Everyone called and searched with no luck and dad was in a panic, knowing he had to get his kids safely back across the lake as it was getting darker, so they rowed back, with the kids in tears. Once ashore, they dejectedly walked to the parking lot... and there was Snowball... all wet from his swim from the island, standing by the car, tail wagging, waiting for them!

Another happy ending!

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I would definitely have stopped using the service if the employee had not been fired. The owner promised me that no one other than herself or new (former) helper would walk him.

The weirdest thing though - when the bad assistant was bringing him to my door, I had my phone in my hand because I had been texting with the owner. I asked her what happened and she gave me some nonsense story. After I took Gus inside, I looked down and saw that I had sent a text to the owner that said "Lying bbbbggggghhhh". I was totally unconscious that I was doing that! Had to send another text to explain!

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Yikes what a scare. Glad it turned out ok. Gus is a smart guy and good for him waiting for his ride.


hheldorfer : As for  his "lost hour":  I guess what happens out on the trail *stays* out on the trail . . .   ROFLOL.


And like the story of Snowball. Another smart dog lol.

Edited by Malcolm's Dad
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So glad Gus is okay!! My heart jumped when I read the title, even though I knew the outcome. Poor little guy. He was probably thinking, "These stuuuuuuuuuupid uprights!  Just how in hells bells do they expect me to get home? Guess I'll just chill until they come back. I better get an extra treat for this gross inconvenience!"

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It would be fun to know what Gus did for that hour. :)  A cairn with no supervision what-so-ever for an hour?  Let your imaginations run!

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Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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On 11/15/2015, 5:22:36, Islander said:

So this happened about a month ago and I am only now able to write about it.


Gus has been going out for a pack walk with a dog walker once a week for years. The original walker had been the assistant trainer in his puppy class so knew him very well. She sold the company to her assistant and everything continued without any problems. Then the new owner had medical issues and had to sell the company to someone else quite suddenly. Her assistant didn't feel able to take on the whole company. Anyway, I liked the new owner, who already had a training and walking business; she had been down to Cesar Millan's centre for training, she posted lots of videos of herself and the dogs and I thought Gus responded really well to her. However, she had too much many dogs to handle by herself and Gus went out a couple of times with her assistant.


One Friday just around the time he was supposed to be home, I got a phone call from the owner: "I have bad news. Gus is missing. He has been missing for an hour." I immediately became quite distraught. I couldn't figure out how he had gone missing as in his 7 1/2 years he has never run off for more than a few minutes. I was sure something dire had happened to him. I was a mess!!! The owner assured me that she was on her way out to the site and was determined to find him.


Fortunately for my blood pressure, she phoned back after only five minutes to say that Gus was safe and on his way home. It transpired that her assistant had loaded all the dogs into the truck at the end of the hike and FORGOT GUS!!!! She only noticed he was missing when she dropped off her first dog in town - about 20-30 minutes away. So she immediately turned around and went back to the parking spot and THERE HE WAS, waiting patiently. I am so lucky that he didn't decide to strike out on his own, he must have been really freaked out when the truck left without him.


The assistant was fired that day and the former assistant was hired. I really trust her, and she told me she would never, never forget to bring Gus home.


But isn't it incredible that he waited? He has gotten extra cuddles and love ever since that happened.

Funny you should mention this Ms. Islander.  My husband has what he calls an "OCD" kind of tendency.  I.e., when we take everyone out on a hike and then load them back into the truck (with both of us participating), my husband always has a question before we pull away from the curb.  He wants me to check and make sure there are "three sets of ears" behind us in the back.  He acknowledges this is overly protective, but is absolutely unapologetic.  I love that about him.

I am so glad your baby waited for someone to retrieve him.  Good boy, Gus!

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Max and Nelly

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5 hours ago, tlwtheq said:

 He wants me to check and make sure there are "three sets of ears" behind us in the back. 

Haha. Cute!

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Wow, what a story!  I am floored that Gus knew enough to stay put and wait for somebody to come back for him.  I'm not sure that my Maisie would be so smart and stay in the area, as she likes to roam around and would most likely wander off.  Although she's still pretty young and Gus is a bit more mature.   What a smart little Cairn you have there.  Good job Gus.

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