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A Basset brother or sister for Duffy


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I have always had a soft spot in my heart for Basset hounds and am looking to adopt one through a West Coast Basset rescue organization. Duffy has gotten along well with every dog he has met, and I have done a good deal of reading on Bassets and they get on well with other dogs also. I am wondering if any of you in the Forum have ever had a Cairn and Basset in the same household? I thought about another Cairn, but I'm way too old to deal with that much energy and I know that most Bassets, like me, are content to eat, sleep and go for short walks from time to time. If any of you kind folks have any insight, I would appreciate your input. Also whether it would be better to bring a female or male into the household.


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We had Bosco the bassett at the same time we had Pluto the cairn. I will check w/my husband to see how they got along, because I can't remember that time of my life due to a bad accident w/head injury. I do remember both dogs, but not how they acted together. I know I made the mistake of holding that bassett alot when he was a puppy, and when he became full grown at over 100 pounds, he thought he was still a lap dog! We had to find another home for him because kids were harrassing him when they would walk past our yard, and we thought he might seriously hurt one if given a chance.

I'll get back to you on this later tonight.


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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Alrighty.....I asked my husband and he said Pluto and Bosco got along well and played w/each other all the time. At the time we had Bosco, Pluto was 10-12 yrs old (we got him at the pound and they didn't know his age, but we had him for 14yrs). He said they used to play with each all the time, inside and out.

Hope this helps,


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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Mike, My husband wanted a pug and we had a cairn, the cairn breeder said no problem the pug breeder didn't want to sell us one of her puppies until she talked to our Vet about Rebel disposition...... Needless to say we got the pug and now we have a mixed family. I think the Basset is a wonderful idea we kept one for a friend for about a month and they are wonderful loving dogs.

Be sure to post pictures of the two of them together!


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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Thanks for the positive comments Liz. We excited about it. We are even talking to Duffy about his new "brother or sister" (my God, only a dog lover would do that!! lol) We were contacted by the Basset Rescue group we are working with and have an appointment for them to come and inspect us. This process is like adopting a human child, but I am willing to go through it for the sake of giving a hound a loving home. I will let this Forum know when my hound comes to live with us and definitely will post some pictures of her with Duffy.


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