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    • Picture 1
    • Picture 2
    • Picture 3

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Were're about 2 1/2 weeks away from picking our new Carin, and if we could take all 3 home we would. Presently they are 5 1/2 weeks old. That said please help us make the choice and cast your vote. Below is the location where the pictures are posted. Please also post comments.


New family member- click here!

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I want 'em all, you're gonna have to fight me for them.

#1 was voted on by me, my husband - and oh yeah, Scully too! #2 was a runner-up.

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I voted for #1 too. I think all 3 are sooo sweet! Cairns change colors, so if you pick one color, you could end up with another...or several!

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Decisions, decisions, decisions! I cast my vote for #1. My guy holds his tail like number 3's photo. Nothing wrong with it, he just holds it that way.



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I think #1, too. Just by the way you are touching him.

At first, because of all the pop-ups and spyware on my computer, the first thing I saw was a naked woman...LOL

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I voted for #1. What a cutie, but then again aren't they all?

Good luck in your choice.

There's nothin' in this world better than puppy breath!!!
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Bradl, thanks for posting the pictures. Next weekend we're stoping back to take another look at our buddies and will take more pictures then just to see how they changed in the past week. We should be posting them sometime Saturday.

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They are all so adorable! I would go w/ #3 just because I like the smaller ears and shorter tail. My oldest cairn has huge ears and looked alot like #2. This is just my opinion but just because the parents were champions doesn't mean the pup will be. That's like saying my dad was a professional football player, doesn't mean my brother will follow him. A potential show quality puppy will usually be held back by the breeder. Most sell pet quality which is what my 3 cairns are, but they are champions in my eyes. :magic: Also, don't just pick the one you think is the cutest. Spend individual time w/ each pup and check out their personalities. Is one more timid than the other? Does one seem more eager to see you and run to you w/ those little paws bouncing forward? Does one seem to be more alert? Does one enjoy being held more? Anyone one of the three you choose will be the right choice, go w/ your heart. :wub:

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Toomanypaws, you read my mind! When I went to get Tucker, I originally went to get a female. He was the only male. The little female I wanted was very, very dark (which is what I was hoping for). After sitting with all of them on the grass, however, Tucker just seemed like the perfect pup for our family. He was curious, playful, but not too aggressive. He wasn't shy or timid. He didn't mind me holding him in my arms like a baby. So we left with a light male. So you really can't go by looks. But.........................I voted for #1 because it looks so much like Zoe did at that age. <sigh!> I still miss her.


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Hi! If I had to pick only one - - which is unbelieveably difficult - - - I would choose number 3 - - just on looks alone. However - - the puppy that interacts well with you and your family should be the one you choose. They seem to pick us - - but you can't go wrong - - they are all adorable!!

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I voted for #1.

I myself think it is the cutest!

Then #2 would be second choice,and #3 third choice.

Good Luck! :D


If you want to find out info about my animals,please feel free to pm me. I recieved a PM from a Mod, saying I had to much in my signature.

I can't fit everything I want to in it,so I want put anything about my animals or me.

Contact me if you want to know about them/me!!

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My dad always said the number one priority when you're looking for a pup is that you want the pup to pretty much pick YOU. He said you sit on the floor and see who comes running to you and watch them play and see who is scared and sits in the corner, etc.

All three of the pups shown are adorable. But then, they're a Cairn, would we expect anything less??? :D

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Well, I love #2's face the eyebrows and beard are so cute. I would love to have a little female now, if only I could talk my husband into it...

You will get alot of really good advice and if you have seen the parents and like the breeder then follow your heart. Of course if I did that we would take all three.


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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  • 2 weeks later...

Congratulations on your new family member. It seems like just yesterday that Annie was that tiny. I take it #2 is a female?? Well, she'll certainly be in charge of the house soon! Please keep posting new pictures! They're so much fun to look at!

Take care!


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Welcome to puppy-hood. We've had ours a week ago tomorrow and she has gotten so much more brave. She used to stay close to us, now she runs everywhere, especially outside. These little babies play like nothing else in the world matters and then just lay down for a little power nap! Oh what a good gift for Christmas!

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His name is Oliver Tyler... and Tyler was the name of our first Cairn. We're on a 2 week vacation starting next week so we -hope- to atleast get him settled into our home. I'm also working on a website to post pictures as time passes. It's been almost 15 years since we had a baby Cairn in the house so it's going to be interesting all over again.

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Oliver is so handsome. How wonderful to share you life with a puppy!


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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