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Cairns and Yorkies


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Hi everyone

I am wondering if any of you with cairns also have a yorkie? I have become aware of a yorkie in need of a home and wonder what kind of things I should be aware of.

The yorkie that I am referring to isn't one of those teenie-weenie ones, he weighs about 15 pounds, so size shouldn't be a factor.

As for personality, can anyone compare/contrast (sounds like a HS test Q!) the two breeds?

Thanks all!

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My next door neighbor has a Yorkie (full size) and he gets along great with my Tucker. As far as I can see, he has a lot of the same characteristics that my cairns have; stubborn, comical, loving, energetic, playful, loyal and protective. Good luck! Let us know how it goes if you decide to get him.


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We have Cooper the cairn, and Yoda the schnoodle. The idea being that the schnoodle would calm the cairn down! Well.......Cooper has calmed down, and Yoda is pretty good for just being six months old, but he has developed some of Coopers characteristics, which just cracks me up. They are really fun to watch and play well together.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a cairn terrier, a yorkie-poo, and a yellow lab. My 100lb yellow lab and the 9lb yorkie poo play wonderfully together tugging on toys etc, my cairn terrier Yoda is just kind of indifferent most of the time. Occasionally he will tug on toys with the yorkie-poo, but it seems like most of the time he is just annoyed by him. This could be because Yoda is almost 3 and my yorkie-poo is a puppy and very mischievious. Yoda prefers not to be bothered when he is napping and the puppy tends to jump on him by surprise and wants to play.

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