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Guest Jason W.

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Guest Jason W.

I'm having a heck of a time trying to keep fleas of my lttle buddy. I have used Frontline, flea collars and flea shampoo, but nothing seems to work.

Is there anything else I can do?

Someone suggested to me that the only way to keep the fleas from coming back is to treat the area around the house with some kind of spray or soil treatment that will kill the fleas in the yard. However, I live on a farm and there is 40 acres of field around the house that my little buddy runs around on, and I know I can't treat the pasture for fleas.

Does anyone have any suggestions? I very much appreciate your help.

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My Cairn's name is Benny, and he is 3 years old. He's just about the best little dog anyone could wish for. I live in Arkansas so I know that fleas are alive year round. I was hoping the cold weather would help Benny, but he is still having problems. Furthermore, we have cats too, and I think the long haired cat now has fleas, so the problem is getting worse. However, I'm not as worried about the cat because we can keep him inside. Benny, however loves to run. I think he was a greyhound in a past life! He has the urge to run and play, and I just can't keep him from heading out into the fields.

I let his coat grow out long, so he'd have it to protect him from the cold outside, and the cooler conditions in the house. I was thinking that maybe I should go ahead and cut back his coat in order to more aggressively attack the fleas, but I don't want to do that if I don't have to.

Again, I'd appreciate any suggestions you might have.

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I live in Southeast Louisiana where we have fleas pretty much all year, too. I've always used Frontline on my dogs and have NEVER had a problem. Even the cat is on it and he's free of fleas, too. Are you using it every month as recommended? Check with your vet, too. My grandfather used to swear that giving dogs Brewer's yeast kept fleas off. I do give my boys a supplement of Brewer's yeast with Garlic for their coat. Maybe that's the trick?


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I have been a dog owner of various breeds (now a proud Cairn owner) and like Thela have used Brewers yeast and garlic supplement for all of them and never had a problem with fleas. Its funny how grandparents had their home treatments for fleas. My Italian grandfather swore up and down that a small clove of garlic in the dogs food one or twice a week kept fleas away and to my recollection it worked.


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Is Top Spot made by the same manufacturer as Frontline? I get them all confused. Anyway, we have always used Top Spot that we get from the vet on our Cairn and she seems to be pretty much flea free. Of course, she only has our backyard to romp in and it's not that big. She has been bathed a total of 2 times (she's 1 1/2 years old) and her coat seems to stay pretty clean except for the usual brushing and Mars Coat King that I use on her.

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You might just have to eliminate the fleas and eggs in your living quarters also....especially the area where your buddy sleeps. They may be off the dog at one point but if you don't treat the inside of your home, the eggs and fleas will just find their favorite host again.

They have many bombs or spray treatments that are safe to use indoors providing you follow the directions to the letter. I think that will be your best option along with Frontline afterwards.

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I think Kayharley is right. We have only had a flea problem once. We had an exterminator spray the house and at the same time we took our dog and cat to the vet to get treated. We haven't had a problem since. My dogs now use Frontline Plus during the summer months. Frontline has to be applied every month for tick control, but only every 3 months for flea control. We now use it only every 3 months since we don't have many trees in our yard. I would get your house treated and see how that goes. The fleas may be "coming home" to your dog as soon as they walk into the house.

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Thank you all very much for your suggestions. I will try adding those supplements to his diet. And, I'll continue with his dips and collars and shampoo.

Hopefully, I won't have to bomb the house....

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Just make sure you read and follow all the directions on the "bomb". They really are quite safe but you have to be cautious with fish tanks, if you have them and other pets like hamsters/gerbils.... I think it will eradicate your recurring flea problem and along with the Frontline, you will be flea free. :thumbsup:

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You do have to treat the environment. Once that's done you really should be able to get by with one of the less toxic on-dog treatments. I would shy away from dips and collars - but I'm not the one having the problem! Good luck. I'm sure it's driving you and the dog both crazy.

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I would stay away from the collars. My mom used one on her Cairn when we were little. It damaged Minch's nervous system and she was never quite the same. At the beginning she had trouble walking. She lived a long life, but was never the same after using the collar. I'm not saying they are unsafe to use. This was just our experience with it and this was 25 years ago.

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We are in NYC, but I am still using Frontline Plus every month just in case. Is this dangerous?

Also, the Frontline we use is for 11 to 20 pounds (I think). If my pup is 13 pounds, should we use the whole application anyway, or just half?

Thanks. :)

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Milopup, our vet said to use the whole thing. There is also an expiration date on the drug, so be sure to check that out too. One dose will protect your dog from ticks for one month and fleas for 3 months.

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