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Calling all voters, again!


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I put my vote in for Griffin!

But.....ohhh, that little Maggie May in her green and red striped hat just melted my heart! What a sweet little face!


Cathy and Piper

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I loved them all but the Cairn gets my vote! I was just reading my pug web site and someone asked do other breed owners go as crazy about their dogs as pug people and I of course let them know yes. Which of my two dogs is best? It's like having kids they each have very different endearing qualities an some qualites that I could live without sometime.

I told them all what wonderful people are on the site and how passionate everyone here is about their cairn. I only wish there was as much stuff for Cairns as Pugs. One guy on the website made a pugvillage calendar using pictures of the pugs that owners are on the site. They are selling it for 18 and 4 of which will go to a rescue group. I just wish I had one of all the cute babies on this site!!!


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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Hi! As much as I love Cairns - - Maggie May is getting my vote this time. Finch was so deserving of it last time - - - - and to be true to myself - - - I have to vote for little Maggie May!!! . . . . .sorry!

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