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my two cairns


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hi im new i dont live in america (UK) just found this site through 1lotus and thought id join,

ok there not mine as such but they act like they are, there my parants dogs

first one is Harry he was 2 on halloween pretty much the softest dog ive ever seen maybe lacking confedence but makes him one hell of a lap dog :P

Second up is Toby our new puppy cairn, hes just about 9 weeks today very much the opposite of Harry has alot more bounce in him and he bites twice as much lol

had a few snaps when harry and toby met but it was all accendental playful stuff Harry is still trying to show Toby hes the boss.

put a few pics of them both on here


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Welcome to the Forum Trevsweb and thanks so much for the wonderful pictures of Harry and Toby. The are both very handsome little guys. I think you will enjoy being a member of this Forum as we are a very supportive group of Cairn owners/lovers! Even though none of us have ever met face to face we all have a common bond that has made us one big family; our Cairns! Welcome to our family!


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hehe thanks for the walm welcome.

i will mst likly turn this account over to my mum as she will be scouring this website for all sorts of tips :)

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Welcome to our little home Trevsweb (and Trev's mom!). The pups are so adorable and I loved seeing all the pictures, thanks for sharing them.

My boss is looking to get a puppy for his kids and everyone is trying to push their opinions of what he should get on him - and no one is pushing more than ME :devil: for them to get a Cairn. :P

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