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New pics to share


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I just had to share these. The first one is Tucker at 5 months now. He sure is getting light, isn't he?

The second one is of him and Mr. Kitty. Tucker was outside and I had his leash on him. Mr. Kitty couldn't resist trying to attack the leash as Tucker was walking. I titled that one, "Who's Walking Who?"




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I have an :idea:

With all the adorable Cairns we have between us on this forum, I think we could put out a "Cairn Terrier Forum" calender.....Some of the Halloween pics were one of a kind, the Cairns dressed in Christmas attire for December & I remember a pic of a muddy little fur ball for a spring month and so on.

We could each pic a month and if there's more than one dog for a month, we put 2 pics on it. All the profits from this "business" would be used for a Cairn Terrier Banquet at a central location. People food for us, gourmet dog food for our "family". We'd all stay at a dog friendly hotel, probably take over a complete floor as not to bother other guests.....

Should I start packing? :lol:

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That is a cute picture!

Kayharley, I like the idea of all of us making a cairn calendar with pictures of our adorable cairns. Maybe the money raised could go to a cairn rescue :idea:

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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That is a great idea they are doing it on the pugvillage web site with the proceeds going to the rescue groups and the forum members sent in pictures. I wish I had the knowledge to do one.

Tucker is so cute!!!! Makes me wish I had a puppy again. If I had my way we would have lots more that two!


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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Tucker is an absolute doll! Who's walking who looks like my cat and my schnauzer. They are pretty much inseperable.

Seeing Tucker's photo makes me even more anxious to get my Gidget.

I too like the idea of a calander.

There's nothin' in this world better than puppy breath!!!
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Awhile back we were talking about Cairns that think they're cats. Here is Scully's favorite position on the back of the sofa while she and dad watch football.


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Joanne, I'm waiting for you to post about how you heard Scully "meow"! LOL!

Scout likes to sit on the back of the couch too. She will usually only sit there if DH is laying on the couch below her.

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