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Happy Thanksgiving


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I'd like to wish Brad and all of you Cairn moms and dad here a very Happy Thanksgiving. I am extremely grateful that I stumbled upon this site and never knew it would become "home." You have all been there with me and with Scully through the running away times and the "isn't she a hoot" times. I am very grateful for my loving Scully and my first Cairn, Ginger who taught me what unconditional love truly is. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your Cairn "children." :party:

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Happy Thanksgiving to you too Joanne and all the other cairn owners and lovers who visit this forum. My sister, husband, niece & nephew will be arriving later tonight, just about the time my cairn girls settle down for the night. ;) They are not "pet" people and here I usually have all 3 cairns around my feet in the kitchen. :D I'm going to move Kiara & Abbey over to my room at night where Hannah sleeps so they're not barking at any movement in the hallway for the next few days. I'm hoping the barking won't drive us all crazy :w00t: I also hope they don't mind that our day starts here around 6:30 a.m. :shock: and my girls sure love to play and can be very vocal. :whistle:

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Oh yes.....this forum is family! :hug: I wish we could all meet with our Cairns for one big Cairn Talk Forum party but Brad says he won't foot the bill. :whistle:

I hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday.


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Toomanypaws, now there's a way to get rid of guests who stay too long - have a whole bunch of Cairns. Who knows, maybe all those sweeties will get to your family members and they'll turn into doggie people. Okay, maybe that's going too far. :P

Sandy, if Brad won't foot the bill guess we'll have to ask Santa. ;)

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That Brad - what a cheapskate! Boo hiss. :thumbsdown:

Nevertheless, I do wish every Cairnite a happy Thanksgiving with special thanks for the comforts and company of family, friends both old and new, and the love of, and love for, the best little pal ... our Cairns.


Brad L.

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I, too am very thankful for the support and friendship I've found on this board. Y'all truly have become my family because when things were rough, I found comfort and encouragement, and when things are good, I know I can share my stories with you. That's what family does. :hug:

For the first time I have nowhere to go today, and I'm not cooking! My husband is escorting the LSU Band to Arkansas for the big game tomorrow, my sister in-law and her husband made other plans, so I said "to heck with it!" I'm taking the kids out to Piccadilly for lunch today and then we're going to go see "Polar Express." No Clean UP!!! YeeeHawww!! :w00t:

I hope everyone has a very safe and happy Thanksgiving. Try not to eat too much turkey and be sure to save some for our buddies! ;)


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Thela, that sounds like a darn good day to me! We're headed to my SIL - she does Thanksgiving and I do Christmas. All I had to do was some snacks and dips, and pop a Mrs. Smith's pie in the oven.

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I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We went to our SIL's house for Thanksgiving. We brought the pies and mashed potatoes. After dinner and things were calm, my DH brought Scout and Finch over to play with the hosts Golden Retriever (huge!). They had a blast and we weren't stressed out over leaving the girls home alone.

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:D Belated Happy Thanksgiving to all. We spent the week at my sisters' in Dallas, TX. Both dogs went to the kennel. We worried about them all week long. We had never been seperated before. When we went to pick them up, they were both very happy to see Mom and Dad. When we went to leave they both gave alittle cry and whine, they had to go home and back to normality. I guess that proves they really liked their stay. :)
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