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Mousing dog?


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Well - we are unsure of what happened but a mouse has appeared in our house over the past two weeks. We haven't had one in the house in 5 years. DH brought a coat up from the garage just about two weeks ago and Calli went crazy over the coat - she was insane. We think the mouse was in the coat. We have set traps in places that Calli can't get to but I was counting on Calli to give this mouse a run for its money!

Well we have been trying to get her to go after this mouse! She is a Cairn Terrier for crying out loud! Last night DH moved a box and the mouse darted out and ran DIRECTLY under Calli. Hello?!! Calli? She just stood there as if nothing had happened. She did camp out downstairs all night to try and catch another sighting . . . but I had heard these dogs were such great mousers . . . it was quite a sight to see! Wish I had my camera!

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Scout is not much of a hunter, but Finch can spot a mouse, or any other 4 legged animal, a mile away! She is constantly running around the backyard with her nose to the ground, moving in "waves" around the yard. We keep a fairly large pile of wood by our driveway. I think we have several "families" of mice living in there. A few months ago, Finch was chewing on something. I asked her to "drop it" and out fell a scull of what appears to be a mouse..yikes! :shock:

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Last week my husband was going to go riding on his motorcycle. When he took the cover off, he found mouse turds on the seat. He rolled the bike out into the driveway to clean it, and the dogs started going nuts. Both Rocky (my big dog) and Scruffy were leaving doggy snot all over the seat and engine from sniffing it so intensely. They wouldn't give up. So I suggested to my husband that he might have a mouse living under his seat. He finally relented and took the seat off. Sure enough, under the seat was just enough room for a nice fat mousie to crouch. The mouse leapt off the bike and started scurrying around looking for a place to hide. Scruffy was right on it, and Rocky was right behind him. Tucker didn't have a clue what was going on! Finally the mouse escaped under the fence and got lost in the grass in the front yard. Well, later that night, I was letting the dogs out front to potty, and there was Mr. Kitty just chomping away at a severed mousie head. He'd left the rest of it on the welcome mat for our approval! Ugh!! :sick:

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I'm sure my Kiara would catch the mouse for you. She's my hunter, the other two are clueless to going after anything buy their favorite squeaky toy of the hour. :D

Kiara, on the other hand has caught so many toads and frogs that I fear she's going to get deathly sick one day. You would think when the toad squirts that bitter taste in her mouth that she give up, but Nooooooo! :sick: Last month she came out of the brush shaking a snake to death, glad it was just a water snake. Kiara hangs out too much w/ our aussie and likes his style. Once my aussie brought me a dead rat and dropped it at my feet. :shock: Just last week when I let the aussie out before bed, he took off running and brought back a possum in his mouth and tried to give it to me. :nono: What's bad, as nasty as a possum can be, it wouldn't stop Kiara from chasing one.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Carolina is a better mouser than our cat! The first time we knew she was a mouser was in Iowa while visiting my grandma. Carolina was out by the windmill in the tall grass and my DH went to see what she was doing. She was playing with a mouse. She showed it to him and the next thing my DH heard was a CRUNCH! She had killed it! :shock:

I've also had to replace a piece of carpet by our back door last year when she dug it up b/c a mouse was trying to get in there. Now we know to set traps when it gets cold or when either the dog or cat stare at the carpeting by the door. I've caught 2 already this year. It was an expensive lesson but a good one.


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FINALLY.......... another dog that has caught a possum!!!

I am sure you all recall our past summer....... Last count, Piper had killed 8!!!!!! I am sure that it was the entire litter! :devil: !!


Cathy and Piper

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When we had out Westies, they caught and killed three possums...yuck! Cooper is a good mouser. We live in a house almost 100 years old. When our girls still lived at home, several years ago, one had two pet rats, the other two pet mice.....or so I thought. One afternoon as I sat in the bathroom (I know, sorry), a mouse ran between my feet. I went to get Heather to come catch it. When I went into her room, she had moved her mouse enclosure into her huge closet and I could soon see why....the two 'boy' mice we had bought, were really a boy and a girl, and there were at least 100 mice running amok! I nearly died! I made her pack them all up and off we went to the pet shop. She had been afraid to tell me they had babies, and the babies had babies, and those babies had babies, etc......

The mice we still see occasionally in the house, I think, are from those, because they are not colored like wild mice are. Cooper so far this year has kept them at bay, but last year when it was really cold, he caught five in just over a week. At least he just kills them and guards them for me to find....I almost wish he would eat them! :sick:


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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Hi! Riley enjoys the chase more than the actual "killing" of a mouse - - he would run all day after one if I let him but he has yet to actually catch and kill one - - the closest he came to a mouse was finding a dead one and carrying it around!! Silly dog!!

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I hope we never have mouse problems. Wes would run after it, play with it and chase it under our couch.

That's what he did with crickets this past summer. We had more crickets in the house than in the forest!


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Madison goes crazy for squirrels and chipmunks. A mouse....I don't know if she's ever seen one other that those at Petco. Now I have 3 gerbils in the den, same room where their crates are and she's never given much attention to them :thumbsup:

Winnie could care less about anything unless it's near her food bowl.

And the pup....well, he's too busy with the girls to check out any other life form in his domain.

That is so funny though....the mouse ran right under her? Now that could be on America's Funniest Home videos. :lol:

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