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Does anybody have a Roomba?


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I can just imagine the scene - a robot vacuum and a houseful of Cairns. Be sure to get the camcorder set up first :)

p.s. I have heard they work suprisingly well although with small capacity and a bit of a pain to clean. Very sturdy - at some conference a Segway ran over a Roomba and both kept going.

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:lol: at the site of that too Brad. Yeh, I could see Duffy getting into a major skirmish with Roomba and trust me, the Roomba would not have a chance!


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Just between us......I bought my hubby an E-vac for Christmas....don't laugh! He owns an appliance store and just loves all kinds of cleaning gadgets. This one is from Sharper Image and is supposed to have excellent suction, a good size canister and I can't wait till he opens it. Worst case senerio is he takes it to his store and uses it there. But I have a feeling it will stay here. Just can't wait to see how the "family" reacts to it....friend or foe???

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My Kiara also attacks my vacuum, can't imagine what she'd do to the Roomba. My girls bark at the smallest item out of place. I can't even bring home a shopping bag and set it down w/o someone barking at the "intruder". They too would probably bark at the Roomba until they were hoarse or until I went insane :w00t:

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Hehe, that's funny. Bella has never barked at the vaccuum. She's not afraid of it either, in fact, she'll come up and stick her nose to the bag, or stand close to me while vaccuuming. We worked with her when she was about 8 weeks old with the vaccuum, praising her, playing with her from a safe distance while it was on... seems to have worked wonders!

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I used to have to hold Scout in my arms while I vacuumed! She has calmed down quite a bit, but she still will try to "attack" it while it's being used. I think, after 4 hours straight of barking, the Roomba would be tossed out the window....lol!

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