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Picture of Carolina


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Ok, let's see if I can do this again. I got it to work in the test section!

Here is, (hopefully) a picture of Carolina. She's in her window hammock that is really for a cat but she can get to it from the back of the couch. We have wild bird feeders in the backyard which attract lots of squirrels so she can observe from her lookout post!


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What a cutie pie! I can't wait to watch mine grow and change.

Can't wait to see more pictures as she changes.

There's nothin' in this world better than puppy breath!!!
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She's not really curly, just in need of a brushing!

She has learned lots of things from our cat. She sits on the TOP of a chair to see out the front window. I have a pic of that too that I will post later. She pounces on her toys like a cat and stalks squirrels. Her litter mate, who my parents have, didn't used to actually stalk until she watched Carolina do it. These dogs sure are cutie goof-balls!


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Carolina is such a cutie pie! She looks alot like Scout. Finch, my 7 month old, likes to pounce on objects too...they both keep me in stiches. :P

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