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Water Dogs


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Any other water dogs out there? 5 month old Portabella took her 2nd trip to the dog park (with fenced in dog run). She had a blast running around off leash, and stuck by us very well.

After the dog run, we took a cool-down lap around the field where we noticed a path leading to the river, about 30 yards away. Down we went! The water level was rather low, and there were several "beaches" of sand, small rocks, and larger rocks. Bella ran right into the water up to her belly! I couldn't believe it. I thought she'd be hesitant, or downright afraid. She had the best time of her life! This was the happiest I think I've ever seen her. She galloped over the rocks that were just a bit bigger than her with ease, though I was nervous much of the time. She stuck her snout into some water filled crevices between rocks, doing her terrier thing. What a blast it was for her.

I'm sure the water was a little cold, so she got a good toweling-off. Are there any other water dogs out there? I had heard once that they were bred to hunt otter at one point in their history, but I have not seen that repeated frequently.

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Hi Derecskey,

Duffy also loves to play in the water. We don't have any natural water sources near us, i.e., rivers, lakes etc., so the best we can offer Duffy is the lawn sprinklers which he truly loves to play in, attack, bite, you name it!


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Carolina doesn't mind it. When we go camping, she'll wade into the lake just a bit, at the most, up to her belly. Her sister, on the other hand, (my parents have a littermate) will not TOUCH water with her feet at all! If she's on a walk and the sidewalk is wet, she'll go around it!

Carolina's favorite thing to do is drink from the hose, although she doesn't play in it like Duffy does.


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